My understanding is that Silpat is made from special material so we are not to use any abrasive cleaning substances or scrub too hard, neither are we to cut on the mat as we are encouraged to discard the mat if it has been cut. Is this correct? I have several mats but t hey are all heavily stained and nothing I can do will take the stains off. Generally the mats are about 25-35 dollars so I hate to just throw it away but they look really dingy.

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With many storyline spirals and plot forks, The Soulmate concludes to an epic final twist, that was completely unforeseeable in my eyes. The Soulmate is another leading title from the New York Times bestselling author of The Younger Wife.

Sally Hepworth is the New York Times bestselling author of nine novels, including The Good Sister and The Soulmate. Drawing on the good, the bad and the downright odd of human behaviour, Sally writes incisively about family, relationships and identity. Her domestic thriller novels are laced with quirky humour, sass and a darkly charming tone. They are available worldwide in English and have been translated into twenty languages.

Sally lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her family and one adorable dog.

This novel's story is told by Pippa, who speaks of "now" and "then," and by Amanda, who refers to "before" and "after." Two competent narrators, Barrie Kreinik and Jessica Douglas-Henry, guide the listener through this story, which involves the two characters and four time frames and which doles out information in short segments that continually change voice and perspective. The characters' accents fit the setting--high on the rugged coast of Australia. Kreinik expresses puzzlement as Pippa's "then" voice tries to make sense of what she saw on the cliff. Her "now" voice is more nuanced as she evaluates its ramifications on her life and relationships. Douglas-Henry makes Amanda's "before" voice conversational. Her "after" voice sounds more detached as she speaks from the afterlife. N.E.M.  AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine


Your extra doves are most likely the offspring of your pair from this season. They do tend to hang out in family groups at this time of year. As things turn cooler, and feeders become more tempting if natural food becomes scarser you may find the group will grow as outlying doves come in to share the ground feeders bounty on the patio.

You no doubt have dealt with the difficulty but for those who don't know, Carolinas and Black-capped Chickadees are nearly identical when it comes to looks. Yes, BCC's can be bigger, but a BCC on the small end of the species size range is the same size as a CC. The other visual differences can help but not always. Sometimes one can see a defined white area on the wing created by the white feather edges of the BCC. Also their bib is slightly longer. 

A CC has a shorter bib which has a sharper line of demarcation. (Something better suited for investigation on a bird skin than with magnification on a bird at a feeder, in my opinion anyway.) 

You know Sally, you probably do have a number of ground feeding species down there on the patio that haven't been apparent.

It's nearly amazing that hummingbirds ever manage to mate and make more hummingbirds they are so hostile to other hummingbirds. Hummers stake out food sources and battle all comers for superiority. They can get downright vicious. To tell the truth, I don't know for sure, but it seems likely from their behavior that once a brood is well weaned that when it comes to food sources, it's every bird for him or herself. Though perhaps a parent might go a little easier on their progeny, but as to migrants, they'd better fly fast and hold onto their tail feathers.

Jorge, 25, Guinea-Bissau

Jorge is a trained engineer who came to Brazil two years ago, who is now selling counterfeit and smuggled clothes in a local market. His Brazilian girlfriend is now pregnant and he is waiting for a work permit in order to get a job as mason. He said that when Federal Police went to his home address to confirm he was living there - an essential step in the process of issuing a work visa to a migrant - his house mates thought they wanted to arrest him and denied he lived there. It delayed his chance of getting a permit that would allow him a legal and better-remunerated job. The lack of trust in Brazilian law enforcement is a huge issue among refugees and migrants, many say that they rarely provide help or support, but instead only make their lives more difficult.

This young fellow, smoking his pipe and walking along through thefine autumn-gathering evening, was the only son of the white-hairedgentleman who had just withdrawn into his house. He had been to seasince he was fourteen years of age, and his name was George Hardy, andhe was now chief mate of the York, an Australian clipper, twelvehundred and fifty tons burthen, then lying in the East India Docks. Hewas going to join her, and why he was without baggage was because hehad sent his chest aboard in advance.

The fish which had been ordered was now placed upon the table, andon both sides they began to eat. The waiter uncorked the champagne,and Hardy told him to fill the glasses opposite. This was resisted byMrs. Smedley, a homely woman, who declared that for her part she lovednothing better than bitter beer. Again her husband "Haw-haw'd," andsaid they[Pg 60] would see Hardy's champagne through, and then he wouldorder another bottle. He believed it was not usual in polite society todrink champagne with fish; but it was all one to him. Champagne wentdown the same way, whether its messmate was fish or flesh.

There was not much more to be said upon the subject after this;indeed it was easily seen that the girl's heart was with Hardy, and ashe was sailing for Australia she wanted to go there too, which perhapswas not idle in her, because it was impossible for her to realise thathe could not marry her, even if he loved her, which she had no right toimagine, as he could not support her ashore, nor as a mate, nor evenperhaps as a captain, take her to sea with him. But things are felt andunderstood[Pg 71] which may not be expressed, and a little before Mrs.Brierley and the maid came in with the tea-tray and the cakes it wasarranged that Hardy should accompany Miss Armstrong on board theGlamis Castle, which lay not far from the York, when CaptainSmedley hoped to be able to tell her that he had managed to find aberth for her aboard his ship.

The East India docks are among the oldest on the Thames. They embodymany chapters of the maritime history of this country. They are ofextraordinary interest to any one who knows the story of the ocean,and of the might and majesty of England as the Queen of the Sea. Theirsoup-coloured waters have reflected many different forms and types ofships, from the emblazoned, glazed, and castellated stern of the EastIndiaman to the long, black, yellow-funnelled, three-masted steamerwhose straight stem shears through it from Gravesend to New York inless time than it took the Indiaman to beat down Channel. The produceof many lands[Pg 73] litters the quays and fills the sheds. The steam winchrattles, the giant arm of crane swings its tons, the stevedore shoutsin the depths, and the mate yells at the hatchway. The tall masts riseinto the air, lifting their topmost yards into the yellow obscurityup there; figures dangle on the foot ropes, or jockey the yard-arms.The house bunting of a score of firms makes a festival to the eye, andalongside is the barge, whose slender company do not pay the dues, andwhose language is beyond the dreams of Houndsditch.

Hardy caused Julia to stop, whilst they yet commanded a view ofthe ship's stern and the whole length of the decks from the poop tothe topgallant forecastle. She was undoubtedly a very beautiful ship,probably the handsomest at that time of them all in the London Docks.Her stern's embellishment would have done justice to the imagination ofthe Dutch shipwrights of the seventeenth century. Dull as the day was,this Glamis Castle, without sunlight to reflect, without the sparkleof water to kindle stars and to flash prisms, was lustrous as thoughself-luminous with window and gilt and gorgeous quarter-galleries, andupon the sloping ebony of her counter, before it glowed into the yellowmetal of her brand-new sheathing, were the long white letters of hername and her port, and these letters you could read in the water thatfloated stagnant about her rudder and run. Her main-deck and waistwere full of business; her quarter-deck winch rattled its pawls withthe noise of a hearse trotted by tipsy men from the graveyard gate;the crane was sinking costly burdens into the wide, black yawn of themain-hatch; riggers were aloft; preparations for the long voyage roundthe Cape to Calcutta were being pushed forward, as the newspaperswould say; but, saving the mate, with one foot upon the coaming of themain-hatch, watching the slow descent of cargo into the depths, andsaving the figure of Captain Smedley, sitting on the fore-skylight ofthe poop with an end of cigar in his month, there was then no man uponthat ship who would have a hand[Pg 76] in the navigation of her, from thewide breast of river flowing beyond, to that other distant breast ofriver revolting with black corpses and their ships' companies of plumedscavengers. e24fc04721

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