Welcome to ART! Meet Ms. Blaker

Welcome to Arlington Art!

Here you will find out all the fun things we are up to in the art room and in our community! Thanks for stopping by!

To keep up with all of our adventures, follow arlingtoneagleart on instagram and arlington elementary on facebook!

Our collaborative tree mural where all students created a personal leaf.


Eric Carle inspired animal collages

Studying line with our flower pastels

Line study with tiger drawings

Line exploration

Our amazing dot mural inspired by Peter Reynold's inspiring book "The Dot."

Color Wheel Study

An introduction to symmetry and design

Pour painted flower pots

Outside of the art room our students are making a difference in our community!

ArtSEEDS is our after school art club that works to beautify our school with community projects and partners with Seedleaf to get our students growing, digging, planting, and using the bounty of the garden as an artistic medium for special projects. So far we have begun to plan our Spring garden beds, harvested herbs, and started to plan our garden signs.

Students' artwork are displayed and for sale at various places throughout the community. Check out BroomWagon and North Lime Donuts to see some amazing student artwork.

Congrats to our ARTISTS OF THE MONTH!

coming soon!

Wish List for the Studio

The art room is always in need of the following materials/supplies:

Colored Pencils


Hole Punchers

Acrylic or Tempera Paint


Masking Tape

Paint Brushes

Sealed Bags of Snacks for our Afterschool ArtSEEDS Club