Dr. Arjun Adit

Change in climate regimes throughout the world, particularly in vulnerable habitats have impacted threatened plant taxa. I am interested in understanding the patterns and processes involved as a consequence of such events, and utilise morphological, ecological and molecular tools to understand systematically challenging plant complexes. My areas of interest include Functional Ecology, Pollination Ecology, Chemical Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Behavioural Ecology, Angiosperm Taxonomy, Diversity and Trait Evolution

I pursued my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Botany, University of Delhi, India under Prof. Rajesh Tandon, studying on "Orchids of Tripura: Taxonomic Diversity and Dynamics of Mutualistic Interactions". 

At present, I am working as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Centre of Functional Biodiversity, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa with Prof. S.D. Johnson, working on "Evolutionary Specialization and Chemical Ecology of Plant Pollination Systems".  

I am currently serving on the editorial board of Applications in Plant Sciences (Wiley), and an active member of various organisations such as, IUCN-SSC: Orchid Specialist Group, Botanical Society of America, Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Indian Botanical Society, Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy, and The Orchid Society of India. 

Nature photography, hiking and collecting cool plants on my free time. 

Twitter: @AditArjun ResearchGate: Arjun Adit Google Scholar: Arjun Adit