Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory

4-8 September 2023,  Łódż, Poland.

Main  speakers:


Daniel Macias (UAM-Madrid, ICMAT-Madrid)

Luis Manuel Navas Vicente (USal-Salamanca)

Antonio Rojas (USev-Sevilla)


Teresa Crespo (UB-Barcelona)

Xavier Guitart (UB-Barcelona)

Joan Carles Lario (UPC-Barcelona)

Santiago Molina(UdL-Igualada)

Enric Nart (UAB-Barcelona)


Piotr Achinger, (IMPAN, Warszawa) 

Jędrzej Garnek, (UAM-Poznań & IMPAN, Warszawa)

Zbigniew Hajto (UJagiellonski-Krakow)

Jolanta Marzec-Ballesteros(UKW-Bydgoszcz,UAM-Poznań)

Bartosz Naskręcki, (UAM Poznań)  

Masza Vlasenko, (IMPAN, Warszawa) 


EXTENDED deadline contributed talks: 15 July 2023. We encourage all the participants to present  a short talk in the event.

If you have any doubt or suggestion in such Thematic Section contact with any of the coorganizers of this Aritmetic Geometry and Number Theory section. 

Hopping to enrole with us and we will meet in Lodz this September.

Topics of the Thematic Section: L-functions, Iwasawa theory, modular forms, modular curves, curves of low genus, Drinfeld modules, Analytic Number Theory, Differential Galois Theory, Galois representations, elliptic curves, abelian varieties, ...