Arindam Banerjee's Homepage

I'm currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (IIT Kharagpur).

Previously I was an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute, India between 2017-21. Before that I was an Golomb Visiting Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, USA 2015-17.I got Ph.D from University of Virginia in 2015. My advisor was Prof. Craig Huneke. I did my M.Math and B.Stat degrees from Indian Statistical Institute between 2003-08.

Research Interest:

1. Combinatorial and Homological Methods in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry: I study Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity, Depth, Projective Dimensions and Betti Numbers of various powers, symbolic powers and integral closures of powers of homogeneous ideals in polynomial rings. I also study various containment relations between ordinary and symbolic powers. I have a special interest in ideals related to graphs like edge ideals, path ideals, binomial edge ideals etc. In my PhD thesis I developed a method to study homological algebra of powers of edge ideals. For symbolic powers I'm interested in characterising the packing problem and recently solved it for three path ideals in a joint work. Recently I have started studying and working on Hilbert-Kunz multiplicities and other topics in characteristic p methods.

2. Application of Algebra, Combinatorics and Statistical Machine Learning in Medical Bioinformatics: I study algebra and combinatorics of various immunological and cancer networks with an eye to find new drug targets. For large networks I seek to use Statistical Machine Learning techniques to improve existing computer algebra tools. Recently using algebraic analysis of immunological networks me and my collaborators predicted that common RA medicine Baricitinib can be useful to treat COVID infected patients.


My Publications