Arifa Islam Champa
Arifa Islam Champa is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Idaho State University (ISU), USA. She has completed her Master of Science in the same field and institution in Fall 2023. Arifa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh. From September 2018 to July 2022, she served as a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology (BAIUST). Arifa has been a dynamic educator and researcher, engaging in various roles such as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), Graduate Research Assistant (GRA), and Career Path Intern (CPI) at ISU.
Arifa has been a PhD researcher member at the Software Engineering and Cybersecurity Research Team (SECReT) since Fall 2022. Her PhD thesis advisor and the SECReT team lead is Dr. Minhaz Zibran, Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Computer Science at ISU Her research is focused on Machine Learning applications in Cybersecurity and Software Engineering. She has a strong publication record, contributing to numerous peer-reviewed conferences and book chapters. In addition to her academic and research commitments, Arifa had been actively involved in mentoring undergraduate teams and organizing technical workshops during her service at BAIUST. She has received several awards and recognitions, including the NSF travel award, 2nd place at 3MT competition, and being named Career Path Intern of the month at ISU. Her work has been recognized in media coverage highlighting contributions to understanding gender dynamics in software development.
Ph.D. in Computer Science (Fall 2022 - to date)
Idaho State University (ISU), USA
M.S. in Computer Science (Fall 2022 - Fall 2023)
Idaho State University (ISU), USA
B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering (2013- 2017)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh
02/05/2025 Successfully organized the first ISU ACM-W event as part of Student Organizations Fair at ISU
01/12/2025 Two of my papers titled "hasing the Clock: How Fast Are Vulnerabilities Fixed in the Maven Ecosystem?" and "Understanding Software Vulnerabilities in the Maven Ecosystem: Patterns, Timelines, and Risks" have been accepted for presentation at MSR Mining Challenge track, 2025.
11/21/2024 My paper entitled "Claim vs. Capability: A Comparative Analysis of the SBOM Generation Tools for Rust Project" has been accepted at ACM SAC 2025.
11/14/2024 Won 2nd place at the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) competition arranged by Graduate School, Idaho State University, USA.
09/29/2024 Got selected as a Junior PC member for the technical research track of the 22nd International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2025).
09/10/2024 Got Invitation to join the Programme Committee for the 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing to the track on Machine Learning and Its Application.
05/14/2024 One of my posters, titled "ChatGPT in Aiding Software Development: An Emperical Study" won the best poster award at i-ETC conference 2024, Utah, USA.
03/13/2024 One of my posters, titled "”Insights into the Use of ChatGPT in Programming" won the best poster award at Research & Creative Works Symposium, Graduate School, ISU, USA.
12/22/2023 I have been awarded MS degrees in Computer Science!!
08/01/2023 I have been named the Career Path Intern for the month of August!!
06/20/2023 My research, "Insights into Female Contributions in Open-Source Projects", has been featured in Idaho State University news as well as in a local newspaper!
05/15/2023 I have been awarded the Graduate Student Support Fund for Summer 2023.
04/11/2023 I have received Dean's Excellence Fund and Graduate School Travel Fund for attending SERA 2023.
04/11/2023 I have been selected to receive the NSF travel award for attending MSR 2023.