Mining, Assessing, and Improving Arguments in NLP and the Social Sciences 

Tutorial @ LREC-COLING, Torino, May 25th 2024

Room 8 ("Roma")

Computational argumentation is an interdisciplinary research field, connecting NLP to other disciplines such as the social sciences. This tutorial will focus on a task that recently got into the center of attention, argument quality assessment: what makes an argument good or bad? 

The tutorial will be structured along three coordinates:

A key feature of this tutorial is its interactive nature: We will involve the participants in two annotation studies on the assessment and the improvement of quality, and we will encourage them to reflect on the challenges and potential of these tasks.

Scholarship Applications

We are accepting applications for scholarships, consisting of a voucher to cover the registration fee for the Tutorial. The application deadline is May 13 (anywhere on earth), and we will notify recipients by May 15.


Gabriella Lapesa, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) and Heinrich-Heine University of Düsseldorf

Eva Maria Vecchi, University of Stuttgart

Serena Villata,  Laboratoire I3S, CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, France

Henning Wachsmuth, Leibniz University Hannover




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