[Arete Prep Volleyball]


This is the place for all the Volleyball News. This year we will be having multiple open gyms for all ages + camps this summer. Bookmark this page to see everything coming up, and make sure to sign up for the newsletter for even more details.


5.3.22 - OUR LAST OPEN GYM OF THE SCHOOL SEASON WILL BE FRIDAY, MAY 6TH, FROM 5:00 - 7:00 PM. Make sure to join us! 5th grade - 12th grade are welcome!

4.13.22 We are changing Open Gyms a bit for the rest of the season. Thursday Open Gyms are for current 7th - 12th graders ONLY. For our amazing 5th and 6th graders, we ask that you come to our Saturday Open Gyms, where we will have more coaches available to help you get ready for the upcoming season!

3.25.22 Next Open Gym, Saturday 3.26.22 from 3:00 - 5:00. Current 5th - 12th Graders welcome!!!

3.17.22 - Open Gyms are back!! Tonight join us from 7:30 - 9:00 pm with Coach McClary and Saturday from 3-5 pm with Coach Gould, Coach Jarman, and Coach McClary! Let everyone know!!!

2.24.22 - The next open gym is this Saturday, February 26th at 3:00 - 5:00 PM. Make sure you sign up so we can accommodate all the players.

2.16.22 The Next Open Gym will be Thursday, February 17th at 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM.

This Spring We will be having multiple open gyms, open to incoming 6th through 12th graders. Join our coaching staff as we prepare for next season and teach valuable volleyball skills that will prepare you for tryouts.


Summer Camps are live. This Summer we will be having multiple camps, geared for all ages. Check out ALL of the summer fun here.

Also, be sure to join our newsletter, in order to be informed of camp dates, once they are announced.


Tryouts are in the fall of each year. Once we have specific dates, we will share more details here. We highly suggest that you try to attend open gyms and camps, so that you can best be ready for tryouts. We will be helping everyone interested in playing, learn skills to help you thrive during tryouts.