IEEE ITSC 2023 2nd Workshop on 

Are You Happy with AV ? 

User Experience (UX) in AV-Human Interaction

24 September, 2023 @ Bilbao, Bizkaia, Spain

Note: Our workshop code is WS02 at the venue of ITSC2023, which will be held in room 3B at the Euskalduna Congress Hall.

If you cannot attend this workshop onsite and would like to join us online, please send a request to 

( for the access to the online meeting room.


The prospect of wide-scale development of automated vehicles (AVs) is due to advances in, e.g., robotics, computational power, communications, sensor technologies, and the recognition performance by using artificial intelligence technology. AV brings novel interactions to human users as drivers, passengers, and other human traffic partners undoubtedly. Human-machine interface (HMI) and recommendations of AV kinematics behavior have been widely studied to build appropriate interaction and communication between AV and human users to calibrate trust and improve actual and perceived safety,  efficiency, comfort, prosociality, etc. User experience (UX) correlates trust and has mutual influence with multiple factors, including motion sickness, comfort, and other subjective feelings. However, it is still unclear how to achieve a better-integrated user experience in AV-human interactions. How UX and other human factors influence each other is widely unknown. This workshop aims to bring together multidisciplinary researchers from academia and industry to discuss the impact factors and potential approaches to improve user experience inside and outside automated vehicles. It is an open platform that includes interdisciplinary researchers from engineering, cognitive psychology, computer science, informatics, sociology, and design to integrate the ideas and obtain inspirations.


Call for Workshop Papers

( Workshop Code  52snt)


Deadline for workshop paper submission: May 28, 2023

Acceptation/Rejection Notification: July 10, 2023

Final paper submission: July 31, 2023

We will use Papercept for workshop paper submissions HERE.

To submit a manuscript, you must have the following items readily available:

Page Limit


We hold a special issue of Multimedia Tools and Applications related to this workshop.

We welcome your contributions!


Hao Cheng 

University of Twente,

The Netherlands 

  • Deep Learning
  • Road User Behavior Prediction  

Hailong Liu

Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST),
  • Machine Learning
  • Human-Machine Interaction

Ruolin Gao

Eindhoven University of Technology, 

the Netherlands  

  • Human Factors
  • User Experience
  • Automotive UI

Yang Li 

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 


  • Automotive UI
  • User Experience

Chen Peng

University of Leeds, 

the United Kingdom  

  • Human Factors
  • Driving Comfort
  • Vehicle Kinematics