OK, Ive tried tried everything suggested here and everywhere else. I cannot get windows 10 to recognize the USB port with the CH340 clones. Reinstalled FTDI drivers and then tried to go back to the CH341SER drivers but I keep getting the "no 64 bit .INF found" error. Also tried several different cables. I know this has probably been asked 1000 times but I am losing hope. Thanks


OK, Ive tried tried everything suggested here and everywhere else. I cannot get windows 10 to recognize the USB port with the CH340 clones. Reinstalled FTDI drivers and then tried to go back to the CH341SER drivers but I keep getting the "no 64 bit .INF found" error. Also tried several different cables. I know this has probably been asked 1000 times but I am losing hope. Thanks

Arduino Uno Windows Xp Download

Download 🔥 https://blltly.com/2y3BWw 🔥

As with others here, I recommend using the normal windows installer version, or the portable version, instead of the windows store version. There have been a number of issues with the windows store version, and it doesn't offer any benefits over the traditional installers

Moving it will only change the drive, for example from c:/WindowsApps/... to d:/windowsApps/...., still a step forward.

WindowsApp being a restricted folder, one has to give herself rights to access it. In the end, after all is done, you can see the recognizable arduino folder structure.

Not being able to access the source files in the examples or libraries really is a big disadvantage.

I found arduino_serial.py, but it only works for Unix. Fortunately, I have a Ubuntu 10.10 VBox set up. However, I have no idea if that VM can access serial ports or if special steps are required to do so.

I followed the instructions on the PDF (CLEAN UP BEFORE INSTALLING ANOTHER COPY OF THE IDE OR ARDUINO CREATE.pdf) attached by ballscrewbob, reinstalled the arduino ide, and problem solved. I still don't know what caused the problem.

Hi everyone, first time in Arduino world, and I'm having trouble with driver installation.

I've tried going to device manager > update driver> manually browse driver's folder location, but it keeps saying "windows could not find drivers for your device"

I've tried reinstalling IDE,, reinstall with previous version of 1.8.14, 1.8.13, 1.0.6,, installing from microsoft store vs zip package vs exe. files, and reseting the arduino uno but none works. Right now the board has ON led turned on, and slow blinking of L led, resetting turns the L led to blinking twice fast, so I'm assuming the board has no problem?

windowx XP is pretty much unzip and go, as noted above there are issues with newer versions of windows but anyone that has ever fought a driver should be able to clear that up, there are a billion threads on how to do so

From experience, linux is far easier (literally, as mentioned, unzip.. and start it up, no need to install drivers or whatnots).

On all windows boxes I tried to get arduino to work (vista and XP), I had no success.

The vista machine just kept on whining the way we expect it to, XP just didn't appear to take the USB to serial driver, later on it did accept it.. but it just wasn't as simple as unzip and run like it was on ubuntu.

I have the Arduino IDE installed on an older windows 10 laptop and all works fine. Today I tried using my new Windows 11 laptop and the Tools -> Port option is grayed out. I'm using verion 1.8.19 of the IDE, the most current I believe, and I'm trying to connect to a UNO. I've searched the Arduino forums for like issues but found none.

The Port option from the Device Manager has disappeared. The new procedure, as much as I can divine from YouTube videos, is to go the firewall manager and define an input and output rule, although I'm not certain this is the correct approach, and it didn't resolve the problem. Just to cover all bases, I ordered a new USB AB cable to rule out that possibility.

I'm looking for any hints or approaches to fixing this. Thanks in advance

I have the same issue on an Acer laptop (2019). I have the impression that the problem is in the serial io driver for the laptop (I don't see "ports" in device manager). If I look on the acer site, I only see the windows 10 drivers for this laptop and trying to install the serial io driver it says "not compatible with this platform (I guess windows 11 is meant here)

well, I found my issue...after I did everything logical I started to look at illogical things.

So the cable that I have been carrying around with my laptop for some time, to connect drives and camera's (and NodeMCUs and arduinos) apparently decided to fail at the same moment I switched to win11 . I changed the cable for another and everything worked fine again. Then tested that same cable to connect my camera to the laptop...and it works just fine. I test it again with the NodeMCU, it fails. Something odd is going on with that cable, I will dump it.

Unplug the board from the computer.

Make sure that "SHOW HIDDEN DEVICES" is turned on in device mamager.

Plug the board back in.

Does windows make the hardware founf noise ?

If so what does it show in device manager ?

Thank you for your help. Yes, I also think in the direction of the drivers. I have followed an instruction to reset the board connecting 2 pins shortly, and using the program FLIP for windows. But it did not solve the problem. I don't seem to be able to find the correct drivers. If I had them, I maybe could refer to them from the device manager, to update the driver, referring to the map I save them in.

I was just on the phone with the seller of the arduino kit, he helped me perform the reset, installing flip, but still no succes.

Maybe there is a problem with windows 11? The arduino IDE is for windows 10 and up. I haven't found a working solution yet, so ideas are very welcome.

Thank you for your help.

I found the map. In the device manager I see: unknown usb device (request for device description failed) with an icon in front of it with a yellow warning triangle with an "!"

From there I went to update driver, and chose the directory. Also the subdirectory FTDI USB drivers. I repeated a couple of times, but still the yellow "!" remains and the arduino is not recognized.

I also turned off norton 360 temporarily, removed and reinstalled arduino ide, chose the drivers also manually to install through the device manager, but still the unknown usb device. The arduino is still not recognized, and in the ide the port is still light grey, no ports are shown.

I contacted the seller of the arduino board again, and am waiting for him to get back to me. Meanwhile any tips are still very welcome. I hope to get it connected, recognized so we will be able to get the led blinking..

Thank you everyone for your help.

The seller sent me a new arduino, and like Sterretje wrote, the led was already blinking this time.

I had no trouble at all connecting the new arduino. The ide immediately recognized it. Tried it on two laptops. I ran 3 basic example programs. They worked fine.

The topic can be closed, and I can start coding my own programs. Thanks again.

I successfully installed Arduino IDE 1.6.9 on Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit.

I have several Arduino boards Unos and Megas. Whenever I connect them through a USB cable to the PC, it appears under Other Devices in Device Manager and shows a yellow triangle on the icon. Please note that I face the same issue with both types of arduino boards (Uno and Mega). My USB ports are working normally, as I can connect other USB devices with no issues.

The Mac is somewhat nicer than Windows if you find yourself wanting to do AVR/Arduino things outside of the Arduino IDE. This is mostly because the main command-line shell on Mac (bash) is much nicer than the main command-line shell for windows (CMD.EXE)

otherwise there is ZERO difference in between typing the EXACT same command in bash or cmd, you just might have to run a batch file to setup path=blah in windows, V.S. having it already setup 24/7 in nix (which if you spend 4 min reading 20+ year old MS documents is a trivial matter)

I have a Arduino Leonardo and I'm trying to make a macro keypad that send various command to my Windows pc. One command needs the windows key to be pressed along with another key. What (if there is any) code to press the Windows Key. Something like Keyboard.press(KEY_WIN);.

I have a mac in one of my labs. I occasionally code on it. I don't know how you can switch between two arduino sketch windows on a mac. The cmd + tab only goes between applications, not two windows within arduino. It's difficult to try to copy code and move the windows back and forth. If you are using a mac, how would you go about doing it? Is there no facility to dock windows on left/right on a mac? Both windows and linux have that feature.

There are so many arduino Mac users so I thought this question must have an answer. I'm learning macs because I'm giving workshops at my professional national meetings to diverse audience, about 40% mac users, 1 linux user last time. Not knowing how to use a mac already wasted about 30 minutes of my workshop last year so I'm learning mac to avoid any unnecessary delays.

No, I can't find a way to start arduino ide as another process with the mac dock. There is no option like that. I can't find where the application is so I can't run it in terminal either. It would be big hassle even if this works. Every sketch I pick from the list of sketchbook has to be done by opening a new arduino ide instance.

If you have been using windows for a while, you will see the minus in win 8 as just small things. I dont mind using win 8 on my laptop and my win 8 tablet runs anything. My ipad though, is a completely different story. Mac os is not bad. But the focus is definitely on the less configurable than win machines. Less knobs to turn, less phone support to hire. More effort on looking good and wasting cpu cycles looking good. MS is also going towards this direction. 2351a5e196

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