If you're going to burn the bootloader to your Nano you should select Tools > Board > Arduino/Genuino Uno, and then always use the board as an Uno after that. This will free up 1.5 kB of flash memory on your Nano in addition to fixing the watchdog reset bug.

I have 2 Nano (clones) that originally had the old bootloader installed. I was having issues when trying to upload an example sketch for a 2.4" spi display. The compiler kept throwing errors. With my limited knowledge on the subject I thought perhaps it might help to update to the new bootloader. That's where my trouble began. I used an Uno as the programmer, and following instructions here -To-Burn-a-Bootloader-to-Clone-Arduino-Nano-30/

Arduino Nano Bootloader Hex File Download

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urllie.com/2y4CK2 🔥

The upload began then seemed to hang with the (what I call) "traffic" led flashing at a consistently high rate. At a ridiculously long period after I halted the operation. Needless to say the Nano would no longer respond. Nor would it accept a new bootloader. Can anyone help me "restore" this Nano to operation? Thanks for any suggestions.

The bootloader has absolutely nothing to do with compilation. Updating the bootloader will never help with a compilation error. The only error that can be solved by updating the bootloader is an upload error.

Now connect the two arduinos together, to do this without female-male jumper cables was time consuming, you have to be VERY CAREFUL and take your time bending the wires, other wise you may short your circuits. ask me first ! In the second picture you can see that first I put the ICSP pins through a piece of paper and then carefully wrapped around them the corresponding wires. Make sure they grab on very tightly, use a small flat head screw driver to bend them.

Hi Pert, and thanks for the reply. That instructable says to set the board selection to the target board before burning the bootloader, you didn't mention it, but that's what I did. Let me know if that's incorrect. Thanks again.

Now, most Arduino boards have wiring such that D10 or the 10 marked Digital pin is SS. So connect similar pins of your programmer Arduino to your programmed Arduino accordingly, and connect the SS ICSP pin of the board you are programming to D10 of the board you are using to program it. Please note, the SS ICSP pin of the board you are using as a programmer will be left open, only all 6 ICSP pins will be wired on the board you are uploading the bootloader on.

They're both the same bootloaders. The difference is that the new Nano bootloader configuration unnecessarily still reserves 2 kB of flash memory for the bootloader, even though the bootloader only requires 0.5 kB boot section. So by burning the Uno bootloader you free up 1.5 kB of precious flash memory with no drawbacks!. If you do that, remember to select Tools > Board > Arduino/Genuino Uno when you use your Nano from then on.

If you truly meant to say "a pro mini's bootloader", then the answer is no. The Pro Mini uses a different microcontroller (ATmega328P) from the Pro Micro (ATmega32U4) and you can't use the Pro Mini bootloader on a Pro Micro. If you actually intended to say "a pro micro's bootloader", then yes you can do that, but there's no benefit to it.

I have recently purchased an Arduino Nano 3.0 Clone which came without a bootloader. I am sure there are many other people who are in the same situation as me, and may have freaked out a little bit at first ! Don't worry, in this instructable I will show you how to easily install a bootloader to your new clone.

ATTENTION - some clones are different. they don't have an ftdi chip, which may cause your computer to not see the arduino once plugged in with the usb. if this is the case, please follow these steps; -To-Burn-a-Boot... thanks to author Gegec for his help on noticing the problem and solving it as well :)

You will most likely get the error in the second picture. This has nothing to do with the code being right/wrong. It just simply means that your computer and the board aren't communicating correctly, in our case the lack of the bootloader prevents us from doing so.

- Now connect the two arduinos together, to do this without female-male jumper cables was time consuming, you have to be VERY CAREFUL and take your time bending the wires, other wise you may short your circuits. ask me first ! In the second picture you can see that first I put the ICSP pins through a piece of paper and then carefully wrapped around them the corresponding wires. Make sure they grab on very tightly, use a small flat head screw driver to bend them. Take your time, don't be rough.

if you want to learn more or get a second opinion you can check this post (it's amazing) or just search on google " how to install a bootloader to arduino clone " and you will see many articles on this very topic.

Hi Akin - I have followed the steps in this tutorial but get this error when trying to burn the bootloader: Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Nano, ATmega328P"

Error while burning bootloader.

avrdude: Expected signature for ATmega328P is 1E 95 0F

 Double check chip, or use -F to override this check.

It seems my Nano clones have a different chip - how do I find out what this is?

ArentL I assume you got it figured out, or gave up as its been a year, but for other people reading this with the issue, you likely have a clone nano or similar, with a CH340g chip which needs a different driver. 

download this and install


First: Thank you for the good tutorial! I got my nano up and running again.

@akin Now a question: I want to burn a custom bootloader to my nano using another nano or an uno. Do you have an idea how to do this? I want to burn either an Arduino Leonardo or a Sangaboard bootloader to my nano, refering to _open_instrumentation_group...

this has help to fix my clone nano, it actually works, altho now when i load sketch reading it (fails but program now run, even complex ones that powers OLED and DHT, so based on that, i think it works) thx...

Add the schematics from this instructable. 

I seem to be a complete moron for overseeing this issue and cursing at the nano.


He has a drawn schematic on how to connect this.

Nice work indeed! I got 4 Nano -clones, all born with the blink -sketch from factory, 3 of them unable to program at all, 1 of them allowed programming one time only. After following this tutorial, they are all up and running. Seems like the factory just program the blink -sketch direct in .hex, not thinking about bootloader and fusebits.

The first impression is OK, it looks more fresh than the old.

But I miss the "old bootloader" for the Arduino Nano!

With this processor I start all my activities with new hardware or software components.

Hmmm, well you could try burning the bootloader fresh on the Nano. Since you have an Uno, you can use it as a programmer. Load the example ArduinoISP sketch onto the Uno. Then install a 10uF or larger capacitor on the Uno between Reset and GND, with the striped or neg lead on GND. That will disable auto reset.

Connect the Uno to the computer with the USB cable. The USB port on the Nano should be disconnected. In the IDE choose the Uno port, Uno board, and choose "Arduino as ISP" as Programmer. Choose Burn Bootloader. If you get the Done burning bootloader message, it worked. Since it has the Uno bootloader on it now, you can choose Uno from the board menu when you program it.

I then needed to use Arduino IDE 1.8.5 and compiled something but could not upload it. Being a 3rd party nano, I used my USBtinyISP and put the stock bootloader on it. Worked like a charm. Uploaded several times.

I've got a huge problem with 3 of my new arduino nano's.

I've bought them from ebay and they were blinking at the beginning with approx. 1 sec frequency as usual. When I was trying to load another sketch on it, the nano wasn't responding.

So apparently I have to set the processor from "ATmega328P" to "ATmega328P (old bootloader)"

as I often need to do on arduino NANO, then this error message appears:

So I thought, there is no bootloader on the new one. I connected 2 arduinos together (one works normally)

to burn the bootloader over SPI-communication but it still doesn't work, (when I click on

Tools > Burn Bootloader, then this error message appears at the end:

So what does it even mean? Is it a hardware problem? because of cheap chinese arduino copy? Should I check my connections again and again? I am not able to upload anything on my new arduinos and it would be really greatful if anybody has got a solution for this.

In both cases that you show the baudrate is set to57600; for the (new) bootloader it should be 115200.

There is a chance that your board has a 168 processor; I would advise to try that option as well.

So i bought an arduino nano from amazon a few weeks ago and it was working fine... And i tried a few examples with it and it works fine (i am still a noob).. Actually i bought it for a CNC machine project and i was testing the servo motor. It wasn't working as expected so I tried a few things only to later find that the jumper pins I used were not connecting anything. With that fixed, I then was about to remove the Arduino from PC.. accidentally I shorted the signal and ground of the servo (pin 9 and gnd on the Nano)... Then suddenly something got messed up and PC rang 'that sound when u remove something from it'. So I unplugged and plugged the Nano again.. this time, the L light was blinking insanely fast and stopped only when I press and hold the reset button (when I take away my finger, the lights starts blinking again)... I read in a few forums that may be some 'bulldog' thing would be activated and I should try burning the bootloader..

Conveniently enough, I had a UNO lying around.. I tried burning bootloader from a YouTube tutorial and the bootloader got installing successfully.. But now when I try to connect the Nano to PC, it doesn't recognize the board... What can be the issue?? e24fc04721

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