Downside: Bluetooth is a little sluggish but has better quality also your limited to about 30ft. However if you can manage to find a LE(low energy) bluetooth module, you can go further. (Aprox 50 - 60ft, depending on surroundings).

Added: forgot to mention, bluetooth works in pairs and must be "paired" to talk to one another. Usually you only need to pair them when connecting to a computer, most modules auto pair when in range of each other.

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Bluetooth (Bluetooth - Wikipedia) tends to be point to point devices, where you have one master and one slave in a pairing. One advantage of bluetooth is most modern smartphones have bluetooth capability, so you can control the system from a phone. Typically on Arduino, the most common bluetooth devices act as serial ports, where you plug in the device, and do Serial.print to send information and to read it. There are ways to control it via AT commands. You can find bluetooth 2.1 systems that communicate with Android phones, either as separate devices, or a shield that fits on the Uno. I bought one HC-05 device for about $10 from ebay. In order to communicate with Apple phones, you need to use something with bluetooth 4.0, which is more expensive and harder to find than 2.1 devices. Since I do not use Apple devices of any sort, that is the extent of my knowledge about bluetooth 4.0.

JY-MCU is not a bluetooth device, it is the type of backboard a bluetooth device fits onto. The fact that the Instructable talks about "the JY-MCU Bluetooth module" is rather indicative of the level of junk they publish. This backboard can take two bluetooth modules, an HC-05 and HC-06 which, while they look and work the same out of the box, have totally different methods of configuration.

I purchased a Serial JPEG TTL camera and I want to incorporate it into my arduino project. From what I've read on other threads, arduino just doesn't have the processing power to hand all of that video data. Would it be possible however to connect the tx/rx leads from the camera directly to the respective rx/tx leads on a blueSMIRF Gold or is that just crazy talk? I have no experience with either the camera or the bluetooth module so any advice on getting this project working would be much appreciated.

What if i just used the arduino to provide power to the camera and the bluetooth modem? Could I stream the video data using the camera connected directly to the bluetooth modem? Here's a picture I drew of what I mean:

Little bit slow frame rate.

And I provide a link on other your post today:


to have a look on a project with xbee. Even project build around xbee (instead of BT) and with

different JPEG camera, it's not big difference from hardware point of view, and anyway it worth to study it.

You can put arduino in the loop, as camera isn't "streaming" the video, it just executes a command, like "take a picture" "send picture" "set compression rate" etc. So ether way some devise (arduino or android) has to issue a command and check protocol communication / answers.

List of commands included in data sheet.

Unfortunately none of that will help me. In the link to that video you provided, he was using a completely different board which. I apologize for not being specific. I need to use arduino (because that's what I have) and I need to use bluetooth (because I want to use and android phone as a display. Have any advice for those circumstances?

O'K, let me explain. Arduino has no idea about RF protocol. So, BT or XBee for arduino absolutely no difference, just some serial devices on other end of serial link to get or send information from / to.

It also apply to JPEG cameras, Arduino has no clue what is model / maker, all it know is serial device that support specific set of the commands. This set of commands would be managed in software, so basically you can get application - program code written for arduino to communicate with one JPEG camera, and rework it for your camera just replacing one set command for another.

For example, on 4dsystems camera GET PICTURE (AA04h).

Unfortunately I was not able to locate similar arduino code on d4systems site.

I'd suggest, to make a search by two words d4systams + arduino code on google,

may be arduino code + jpeg camera.

Any example shouldn't not be an issue to modify, that what I thought .

It's not "out of box" solution, rather starting point

A Is bluetooth working if you don't connect the sensors?

B Is bluetooth working if you connect the sensors but don't read them?

C What happens when you try to read the sensors - give as much detail as possible.

I tried one by one like you said. Finally I found bluetooth shield is the problem. After changing the bluetooth my Arduino get faulted next day. Arduino is overheating and Atmel atmega8 chip verification error.

Today i came up with an idea to controle a arduino board or any other micro controller wirelessly using a java program. Im somewhat of an intermediate java programmer, meaning i can make basic applications. I know next to nothing about arduino, or the programming of microcontrollers in general, and i dont want to start to learn until i know i can link java with arduino, meaning running a program on the computer that, lets say, turn on a led. Ive done some research, and thats where i got the bluetooth from, but it seemed like the only videos were in spanish, and not much documentation about it, as far as i can see. I was just wondering how easy is it to link these two, is it possible, any links to tutorials of sorts, thanks. P.S. it doesn't have to be arduino, im just familier with that name, im just interested in controlling something physical through a java app, thanks.

A majority of bluetooth modules will spit out serial data and this simply interacts with the RX/Tx (receive/transmit) inputs of the arduino. They are usually configured to standard board rates mainly 9600 to start.

You could try this. It's about the simplest code you can use when testing Arduino bluetooth C# communication. Note: the code was tested by connecting PIN1(TX) MODULE RX, PIN2(RX) MODULE TX and dividing the PIN1(TX) 5V to 2,5V before feeding it to the module.

Some people recommend to disconnect the wires prior to uploading code, which works, however I find it very frustrating and also pretty poor standard to constantly have to disconnect the RX and TX wires just to do a upload... anyone fixed this problem or do I have to buy a different bluetooth module? If so, any recommendations on a module that doesnt have this bug?

It is unfixable, buying another bluetooth will not change anything, and it is not a bug. It is an inconvenience, but one you can live with. Yes, if you want to upload a programme, bluetooth must be disconnected, but if you want to then test the code you often don't really need to reconnect you can just use the serial monitor instead. Arduino doesn't know the difference, it's just another serial device, and you can prove up your bluetooth code without even owning a bluetooth.


I am doing project of bluetooth control car with Arduino UNO unfortunately I have forgotten to unplug the bluetooth and the IDE shows the error after I unplugged the bluetooth I did the same the IDE shows errors

And I did it multiple times I don't know what to do..

If bluetooth is connected to hardware serial, pins 0,1, you cannot upload your programme.

Disconnect Bluetooth and then upload your programme. You may then reconnect Bluetooth and use it.

If that does not work, something else is going on.

As PaulRB pointed out, what are you going to use to control your project? Both wifi and bluetooth can be accessed from either a phone/tablet or computer. Like I said, bluetooth is easier to learn and there are bluetooth shields or you can simply get a bluetooth module online that work with arduino. eBay has tons, just search "arduino bluetooth module" and see what comes up.

I would personally go with bluetooth, because it use the Arduino's serial port, which means you can test out the commands before even connecting the bluetooth module. Think of it as using the serial monitor without the USB cable attached, which is exactly what it is.

You can do the job with a bluetooth module for less than $10. The programming is the same as you would use with the serial monitor, hence you don't even need bluetooth to prove it. The programme can then be used with RealTerm on the laptop without changes. Then disconnect the USB and connect the bluetooth module. Do the pairing on the laptop under windows, or a proprietory bluetooth sniffer like Toshiba Stack. Then the comms is done with RealTerm.

Yea, it does not need to be an actual shield, there are modules that you can simply wire up and they go for about 4 - 8 dollars depending on seller. My phone is being stupid and won't allow me to copy the url. But just do a search for "Arduino bluetooth module" it should look like a 1.5 x 0.5 inch board with 4 pins.

At the tap of a button, my app sends a text value-- "on" or "off", depending on which button is pressed-- via the HC-05 bluetooth module with SoftwareSerial pins 5 and 6 (Using SoftwareSerial enables me to keep pins 0 and 1 open for downloading code and viewing Serial Monitor).

Any help or guidance in how to resolve this problem would be much appreciated! I have been stuck on this for days now. I ultimately want to be able to receive and display proper data from my Arduino via bluetooth on my phone app whether it be string values or numbers. Thanks in advance!

I have purchased one bluetooth HC-05 (master/slave). I followed the instruction and code at Configuring your Bluetooth Module for the Communication between Scratch and Arduino but the red LED in HC-05 still kept blinking. HC-05 also didn't response my AT command.

I'm afraid the picture merely means that everything is OK with Arduino and monitor. This is not actually relevant to getting AT mode. The LED on bluetooth confirms that. It should flash at two second intervals. Do you see that? ff782bc1db

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