South Australian Rural Health Research and Education Conference 2023
Saturday 24th June and Sunday 25th June 2023
Barossa Novotel – Pioneer Road, Rowland Flat, SA
The inaugural SARHRE conference will bring together rural clinicians, academics and other health professionals from across South Australia who are interested in clinical supervision, health education, health research and building rural research capability.
SARHRE is back in 2024!
Please go to the 2024 SARHRE conference site for more information.
Abstract Submission Deadline: 17th February 2023 (CLOSED)
Presenter/Acceptance Notification: 18th March 2023 (NOTIFIED)
Registrations Close: 22nd May 2023 (CLOSED)
Upload your presentation: Wednesday 21st June 2023
Conference Dates: 24th and 25th June 2023
2023 SARHRE Conference Program
Download the full program here
Download presentation abstract summary here
The conference themes are
Clinical supervision and clinical teaching
The first half day of the conference will provide conference participants with an opportunity to learn about new approaches to clinical supervision. Brush up on a skill such as giving feedback, or learn more about how individual clinics or units organize placements. You might like to demonstrate some clinical simulation or how you teach cultural safety to health professional students. Students can present their experiences of authentic learning activities.Showcasing SA rural health research and researchers
South Australia boasts some impressive rural clinical research this half day will focus on allowing conference participants to rub shoulders with research giants, or celebrate the next generation of clinician researchers. Put your hat in the ring and submit an abstract letting others know about your current research. Let’s celebrate the work done to Close the Gap and to improve health outcomes for rural people. This is an opportunity for students and first time researchers to present.Research capacity building rural health professionals
We are all at different points on our clinical research journey. Do you know something now that you wish you had learnt earlier in your research career? Do you have a few tips to share with others? This session aims to send everyone home, just a little more savvy at supporting their students and junior staff with research projects, clinical audit and continuous quality improvement. Students and early career clinician researchers are invited to describe their research journey and what they look for in a supervisor.
The SARHRE Conference includes presentations about cultural safety and Aboriginal health in each of these three themes.
The presentation modalities of the submitted abstracts include the following:
Speed presentations (available for current health professional students) to provide students with the opportunities to contribute (3 minutes, max 3 slides) .
Abstract max 100 words, open format.Short Oral presentations grouped by theme to facilitate sharing and discussion of educational activities and innovations, research findings, or research skills. Oral presentations will be 10 minutes in length with additional time for discussion.
Abstract max 250 words with format - Introduction, Methods, Findings.Personally Arranged Learning Sessions (PeArLS) introduce a challenge or a dilemma to participants and benefit from collective problem solving from the group. They allow an opportunity for those who are developing ideas, those who are taking ideas from development into implementation and those who are planning evaluation of their ideas, to share, discuss and gain insight into their positions by tapping into the wisdom and experience of others. PeArLS sessions will be 40 minutes and be limited to 5 "presentation" slides.
Abstract max 250 words with format - Background and up to three questions.Workshops should be interactive learning activities, providing participants with new educational models or research skills that can be applied in practice. Workshops will be 90 minutes. Submissions must include a structured timeline and description of how participants will be engaged during the workshop.
Abstract max 250 words with format including - Learning Objectives, Intended Audience and How the audience will engage.
This conference is supported by
South Australian Universities with rural clinical training programs, including:
Rural generalist and general practice training colleges and training organisations, including:
Rural Local Hospital Networks undertaking clinical training of graduates and undergraduate health students, including:
Australasian Epidemiological Association - South Australian Group
Registration Packages and Costs
Full Conference Delegate - $250
Bronze Sponsored Delegate - $165
Works Clinically in Rural SA OR Submitted an Abstract to the Conference
Silver Sponsored Delegate - $120
Works Clinically in SA AND Presenting at the Conference
Gold Sponsored Delegate - $50
A Health professional student enrolled in a course in SA