

Creating Projects with a First Nations, Métis or Inuit Focus

"Project-based learning is a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge and results in a product, publication, or presentation that is shared with a public audience” (Buck Institute for Education). The outcome of project work with an Indigenous focus is to “develop a knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, the histories, cultures, languages, contributions, perspectives, experiences and contemporary contexts of First Nations, Métis and Inuit”

Education is Our Buffalo (PD-80-7).pdf

Education is our Buffalo
"The Association has developed a workshop titled Understanding Histories, Culture and World Views of Alberta’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit Peoples, which complements Education Is Our Buffalo. The workshop involves teachers in examining the history, world views, cultures and current perspectives of Alberta’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples. Teachers will learn better ways to meet curriculum outcomes, address racism and help Aboriginal students succeed in school. This highly interactive workshop models pedagogical approaches for meeting the learning needs of a wide range of students, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. Education Is Our Buffalo—A Teachers’ Resource for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education in Alberta will be provided to workshop participants free of charge. It is strongly recommended that a full day be devoted to this workshop."


Indigenous Study Guide

"This study guide is for educators and will introduce Indigenous worldviews, histories, perspectives, and contemporary issues as they relate to the books included in our Indigenous titles. The information provided is a starting point in understanding the truth about the history of this land now known as Canada. It is information that will provide a solid context for using these texts in classrooms."

Mark of the Metis.pdf

Mark of the Métis

"This document was created to preserve the rich history and cultural traditions of the Métis people of northeastern Alberta. The stories of 104 elders who have lived and worked in the area are captured through interviews conducted by the Fort McMurray Métis Local 1935. The Elders tell their stores in their own terms and in their own unique meaningful ways."


Our Way is a Valid Way

"This resource is intended to enhance all teachers’ understanding of the diverse FNMI traditions, values, and attitudes, and of the historical and contemporary realities of FNMI peoples in western and northern Canada. It is only through the increased awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the rich and long-lasting history, culture, and contributions of FNMI peoples that teachers can design learning experiences for all students that contribute to their analysis, understanding, and appreciation of FNMI issues and challenges within Canada’s political, socio-economic, linguistic, and cultural realities."

PD-WT-19 - Learning Pebbles.pdf

Professional Learning Pebbles

"This resource was developed by the Alberta Teachers’ Association, with funding support from the Government of Alberta." Inside this document are activities to build teachers' Foundational Knowledge."

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Weaving Ways

"Weaving Ways is intended to be a complimentary guide for educators who are deepening their foundational knowledge and educational approaches to foster reconciliation."