Welcome to Maths

Welcome to the Maths pages.

I know you would like to practise and develop your maths skills while we can not be in school.

Below there are some websites for you to investigate. Have a go at some of the games there which will enable you to use and develop your skills. If you can, some of the websites have worksheets you can print out.

On the White Rose link - click on your year group and listen to the videos on the different topics. If you can, print off the question sheets and have a go.

Y10 - There is a link to GCSE pod - have a look at the topics you have been doing and also go and some others as revision.

There are also worksheets for you to have a go at on your year group page.

I have also up loaded activities onto a website called Mangahigh. The link is below. You will need;

  • school ID number : 451554

  • your Mymaths user name and password.

When you log in for the first time - I will need to verify you but once I have done that you can go into your year group and have a go at the activities there as well.

If you need your login details for Mymaths - contact school and we will be able to give them to you.

If you struggle with any of the work, if you go onto Youtube, you can find videos that will explain concepts to you.

See you soon.

Mrs Frost
