News 2019

23 November 2019

ArchaeChemis participated to organisation of the conference "Visions of cultural heritage: disciplines and territory" (Valencia, November 22nd 2019). Read this article published by the webpage of the University of Valencia about the event at this LINK.

13 November 2019

A picture of the conference of today "Catalysis Engineering & Technology" in Valencia, where our Gianni gave a communication about the use of LA-ICP-MS for archaeological soil analysis.

9 November 2019

Two days ago our Gianni, with professors Angel Morales Rubio and Clodoaldo Roldan García, took part to the Science Week in Gandia ( with the workshop of the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History of the University of Valencia. Here some pictures from the event.

31 October 2019

Yesterday we were in Silla to collect and analyse the mortars of the Islamic Tower and of the masonries preserved in the Museum of History and Archaeology of Silla (MARS). We would like to thank the Municipality of Silla and the mayor Vicente Zaragoza Alberola, as well as the director of the museum Llorenç Alapont for the possibility of carrying out this work.

16 October 2019

Congratulations to our Gianni Gallello that today has officially joined as distinguished researcher the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History of the University of Valencia under Beatriz Galindo grant, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training .

7 October 2019

On September 30th, Radio Valencia (Cadena SER) interviewed our Gianni and Llorenç Alapont in the laboratories of the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the University of Valencia. It was the occasion to disseminate the work of analysis that is being carried out on the bioarchaeological materials of Pompeii.

You can listen to the interview [ES] at this link:

7 September 2019

This morning we visited at Cova del Bolomor and had a chat with the director Josep Fernández Peris (Museu de Prehistòria de València) and excavation staff members Pablo Sañudo Die (Universitat Rovira i Virgili) and Felipe Cuartero Monteagudo (Fundación Atapuerca) about the issues regarding this important prehistoric site.

Here a video from the recent participation of our Gianni at the excavation of Pompeii's necropolises. In this brief video, Llorenç Alapont and Gianni talk about the new project on the analysis of the casts of Pompeii.

The project of mortuary archaeology of the necropolises of Porta Nola and Porta Sarno can be followed in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

29 August 2019

A new paper is out! ArchaeChemis collaborated with the University of Pisa, Italian CNR and University of Florence in this study on Syrian pottery published by the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. You can read the full article at this link:

13 August 2019

Yesterday our Gianni gave a speech at the Museu de la Pauma of Mas de Barberans to disseminate our research on the rock art of Cocó de la Gralla. It was an excellent opportunity to share the results of our work with the citizens.

9 August 2019

As you read in the social networks, our Gianni worked four weeks between July and August at Pompei, giving his support as an archaeometrist to the research project of funerary archaeology that deals with the necropolises of Porta Nola and Porta Sarno.

25 July 2019

Congratulations to our Alicia, Alberto and Andrea who presented their BSc final works in chemistry this morning!

20 June 2019

Yesterday ArchaeChemis participated to the 17th Spanish Conference and 7th Meeting Iberoamerican of Biometry with a poster (A bayesian approach to reconstruct the provenance of Engaruka (Tanzania) sediments), in collaboration with prof. Carmen Armero and MSc student Carlos Peña (Dep. of Statistics, Universitat de València - UV).

19 June 2019

As you maybe know, the days 14th, 15th and 16th of June were the European Archaeology Days and many organisations devoted to the study and the valorisation of the archaeological heritage organised events throughout Europe.

As ArchaeChemis, we took part to the events organised by the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History of the University of Valencia by assembling a workshop about archaeometry in which we explained our work and made demonstrations of some of the different analytical techniques that we usually apply in order to characterise archaeological materials.

The first day (June 14th) we explained what is archaeometry and which are its scope to kids of Valencian schools. Although the explanation of our work to primary and secundary school children could seem quite a hard task, the kids looked curious and responsive, asking questions and answering to ours.

The day after (15 June) we had the occasion to show our work to people of all the ages in the amazing frame of La Nau, a beautiful ancient building of the historic centre of Valencia.

From left to right: Gianni Gallello, Agustín Pastor García, Angel Morales-Rubio, Mirco Ramacciotti, Maria Luisa Cervera Sanz, Antonio Doménech-Carbó, Lidia Herreros Chávez, Clodoaldo Roldán García.

28 May 2019

A new paper on MicroChemical Journal from the Marie Curie project MATRIX: a pivotal step for Rare Earth Elements as a tool in archaeological stratigraphy interpretation, applied on the Konso (Ethiopia) Unesco site.

20 May 2019

A new paper by ArchaeChemis for chert nerds was published on Lithic Technology. A useful methodological approach for provenance study focused on sample preparation and Rare Earth Elements used as markers of different outcrops.

9 April 2019

Our Gianni and our BSc student Alberto Grima López talk about the analysis of organic compounds in ancient amphoras through gas chromatography (GC).

26 March 2019

The first archaeometric study on the Sagunto Castle building stones was published on Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports by ArchaeChemis and collaborators. The authorities are preparing for the Unesco World Heritage List candidacy of Sagunto and our research will contribute to clarify the architectural history of the complex reinforce its importance.

Have a look at the paper!

25 March 2019

Congratulations to our Ana who presented her BSc final work on the analysis of mercury (Hg) in human remains and related sediments.

6 March 2019

Measuring Iberian ceramics from Cova de les Dones and Sima de l'Aigua with Dr. Sonia Machause López (APOSTD of Generalitat Valencia, University of Valencia) and ceramics from Castellar de Casinos with Dr. Vanessa Albelda (codirector of the archaeological excavation) by NIR spectroscopy.

22 February 2019

New research published by ArchaeChemis! Interesting data on chronology and technology were obtained by non-destructive analysis of Sagunto Ibero-Roman votive bronze statuettes. Have a look at the paper:

18 February 2019

Our Gianni and our BSc student Alicia tell us about her research in pretreatment developed methods of volcanic sediment sample for reducing background produced by amorphous phases to improve X-ray diffraction analysis results.

16 February 2019

Welcome to our new ArchaeChemis mate Alessia Larini, PhD candidate at the Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History whose thesis, dealing with anthropology and human remains, is directed by our Gianni, Dr. Agustin Diez Castillo and Dr. Manuel Polo-Cerdá.

17 January 2019

Amazing discovery by NIR and pXRF about the use of amber and tin in rare ivory handles from Iberian Iron Age! Study headed by Prof. Mata-Parreño (Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Valencia), PhD student Blasco-Martín (Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Valencia) and Prof. Soria-Combadiera (Department of History, University of Castilla-La Mancha), with the collaboration of ArchaeChemis.

16 January 2019

A picture from the 4th Interuniversity Meeting between the University of Valencia and the Free University of Tunis that took place yesterday and where our Gianni and Mirco had a speech about ArchaeChemis the former and about his PhD thesis the latter.

9 January 2019

Working hard on Christmas holidays with our Esther (CNRS Toulouse) to push forward with our experimentation on pigments and binders of prehistoric rock art.

2 January 2019

Hello! Firstly, we wish you a happy new year!

Do you remember the Do you remember the study about the remains of important Italian humanists in which our Gianni took part? The news was reported also by the Italian press: first of all, we link the article published by La Repubblica, one of the most influential Italian newspapers. Two articles were also published by ANSA website, the most important Italian wire service, and one by La Repubblica, one of the most influential newspapers of Italy.