News 2017

December 15th 2017

Today is our birthday, ArchaeChemis is three years old!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the realization of our projects and to those who are still contributing.

December 7th 2017

Hello! Yesterday Gianni Gallello went to Brussels with the researchers of AAREA project for a meeting with members of ERC (European Research Council) office at the White Rose Brussels Office. During the meeting, he showed the results of the studies related to MATRIX project about the archaeological sites of Engaruka (Tanzania) and Konso (Ethiopia).

November 26th 2017

Good evening! Yesterday our Gianni Gallello took part in the African Archaeology Research Day 2017 (#aardyork), organised by the Archaeology Department of the University of York, with a speech entitled "The role of geochemistry for sediment provenancing at the archaeological site of Engaruka (Tanzania)". In his communication, Gianni showed the preliminary results of the analyses carried out on the soils of the above-mentioned archaeological area, which is an important case study for his Marie-Curie fellowship (take a look at MATRIX page) and which is part of the AAREA European project too.

November 16th 2017

Good afternoon, everyone. No news bad news; thus, yesterday, Gianni Gallello, member of ArchaeChemis and Marie Curie Research Fellow at the University of York where he is currently managing MATRIX project, granted by the European Union, was invited to the House of Parliament in Westminster for a meeting with Members of United Kingdom Parliament with other researchers of AAREA and tRRACES european projects. MATRIX project, which aims to develop new multidisciplinary methodologies for the detection and the study of human activities' fingerprints in soils through Rare Earth Elements analysis, is being carried out by collaborating with these two projects too, which deal with African agriculture systems focusing in particular on their sustainability to put the study of the past at the service of present and future days.

November 9th 2017

Hello! Today was the day of the IX Workshop on "Green Analytical Chemistry", organized by the Solinquiana group (Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia). As usual, ArchaeChemis brought its contribution. These are the titles of our oral communication:

  • V. Carbonell, G. Gallello, A. Pastor, M. Luisa Cervera, O. García Puchol. Análisis de muestras arqueológicas mediante técnicas de espectrometría de masas y rayos X.

  • S. Rubio, G. Gallello, A. Pastor, A.Morales. Application of molecular and atomic methodologies to archaeological samples.

  • M. Ramacciotti, G. Gallello, A. Pastor, O. García Puchol. A methodological proposal for archaeological chert's provenance studies

November 2nd 2017

Hello! This morning we have begun a new work with the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and with professor Teresa Orozco Köhler (Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Valencia). We are going to characterise prehistoric stone tools from the geochemical point of view and, as a first step, we analysed some selected polished stone axes found in the archaeological site of Sanxo Llop (Gandia) by using a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer directly in the museum. This instrument allowed us to measure elements' concentration avoiding any damage to the samples and without moving them to the laboratory. It is surely an interesting case study from the archaeological perspective and a good occasion to develop methods for lithic artifacts' study.

October 17th 2017

We are on the social networks! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to keep up-to-date on our activities.

September 2017

ArchaeChemis participated to the XXI Meeting of the Spanish Society of Analytical Chemistry (SEQA) which took place in Valencia in September 5th - 7th.

We presented an oral communication and three posters:

  • Gallello G., Ramacciotti M., Pastor A., García Puchol O., Diez Castillo A., McClure S.B., Juan Cabanilles J. - Rare earth elements to identify archaeological strata in the Cocina Cave (Alicante, Spain) (oral communication)

  • Ramacciotti M, Gallello G., Pastor A., García Puchol O. - Chemical characterisation of cherts from the Valley of Serpis River (Alcoy, Alicante) for archaeological purpose (poster)

  • Ramacciotti M., Rubio S., Gallello G., Pastor A., Hernandez E., Morales A., Lezzerini M., Flors C., De la Guardia M. - Chemical characterisation of historic mortars to evaluate decay and construction phases (poster)

  • Blasco Martín M., Mata Parreño C., Soria Combadiera C., Gallello G., Pastor A., Collado Mataix E. - Análisis químicos no destructivos sobre cinco mangos de marfil de Época Ibérica (poster)

It is finally online the webpage of the ArchaeChemis research group!