
This is very out of date.

My stuff is mostly on the CBB now.

Hello! I have created a website, since I can't link all of my things within a character limit, and also because I just kinda wanted to have one.

I am Arayaz, a conlanger and worldbuilder who also enjoys music and writing. The point of this website is basically to host all of my projects and information, and I dunno, just to exist.

Anyway, time for FAQs, since I need something to fill this space!

Are these really FAQs?

It depends what you mean.

So they're not?

Well, they're shameless excuses to put in information, like most FAQs.

Okay, what are you working on right now?

I'm so glad you asked!

I didn't.

Okay, well, I'm so glad I asked, then. Anyway, my main project right now is a world purely for setting my languages; most of my languages are there.

I'm also part of a map-based worldbuilding game called Tyuns. I'm not sure how much I can reveal here, lest other players learn things they're not meant to know...

What communities are you a part of?

I'm a member of the CBB, which was my first conlanging community. I'm also a member of the LangTime Studios patreon, which is a relatively close-knit conlanging community as well. Lastly, I'm part of Tyuns, which I mentioned before.

You mentioned music and writing...

Yeah, but I'm bad at both of them. If I write anything I like I might put it up here before taking it down once I stop liking it. I am nowhere close to publishing anything resembling music, though, and I probably never will.

You have a YouTube channel, right?

It's as sparse as the Northern Ohesian Desert, but yeah, it's youtube.com/@ArayazNeverburn.

Arayaz Neverburn?

My online alias's full name is Arayaz Neverburn. For this last name I must thank Vedertesu, GIM, Pell, and Lee: when I received my language for Tyuns, I immediately looked to find out if my name meant anything. The first thing I found was the phrase are ya, meaning "to rarely burn." I invoked semantic drift to turn are into "never," and bang: areya means "to never burn." I also named my Tyuns culture and language after that: Areyaxi "those who never burn."

What does Laakitlangkayaqa mean?

It's in Laakitlantu, which was my most successful language before I made Ruykkarraber. It essentially translates as "my languages"; I'd gloss it as speak-TRANS-PAT-PL-1sg.POS-POS.IN. I named my previous website that, too. You can look at it, but it's not great.

Are you a professional linguist?

No, I'm not a professional anything; I'm a student. I try to fact-check all my stuff, and I'd consider myself reasonably linguistically knowledgeable, but I've been told that I make a lot of very bold claims from a position of what looks like robust knowledge, but where I do not have as much authority as I seem to present myself as having. Hopefully I've gotten better since then.

What are your pronouns?

I prefer she/her pronouns; they/them is fine as well if you wish, but I'd rather use the former.