Action Plan for ensuring Gender Equality

I. Policy statement

In alignment with our ARAO Inclusion Strategy (, we are dedicated to advancing gender equality and fostering an inclusive environment where every individual, irrespective of gender, is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness. We firmly believe that gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also a cornerstone of social justice and sustainable development. Our commitment to gender equality permeates all aspects of our organization, including workplace practices, programs, partnerships, and community engagement.

II. Our Guiding Principles:


III. Measures Promoting Gender Equality in Our Programs and Among ARAO Staff, volunteers and collaborators:

These measures exemplify our unwavering commitment to fostering gender equality within our organization and during our programs. We believe that by addressing gender-related challenges and promoting inclusivity, we can create a more equitable and enriching experience for all participants.


III. Reporting mechanisms for Gender Related Concerns and Incidents

We have established clear reporting mechanisms and ensuring the confidentiality and promptness of our responses, we are dedicated to creating a safe and supportive space within the ARAO where gender-related concerns can be addressed effectively and with sensitivity.

We consider each reported incident as an opportunity for learning and improvement. We analyze the root causes and implement preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of similar incidents occurring in the future.

For our reporting mechanisms see Annex 1 Reporting procedure.

IV. Monitoring and Evaluation

We regularly assess the gender balance and impact of our programs and adjust as needed to ensure equality.  We also collect feedback from participants about their experiences related to gender equality and use it to make necessary adjustments.

V. Periodic review and adaptation

We yearly review and adapt the action plan to respond to changing needs and priorities and to ensure its effectiveness.

VI.  Legal Compliance:

We adhere to all relevant EU regulations and directives related to gender equality, including but not limited to:

We also comply with relevant national legislation and regulations in EU member states where we operate.


Version: 2023