"All roads lead to Rome," they say, and indeed, that's where our journey took us. Between October 24 and October 29, 2023, one youth worker from our organisation, accompanied by two young individuals, embarked on a meaningful training experience focused on youth empowerment. This gathering convened youth workers and spirited young participants from diverse corners of Europe. The goals of this event were to nurture connections, identify shared needs, and establish the groundwork for future youth exchanges. Participants worked collaboratively to fortify bonds, discern common goals, and pave the way for profound cross-cultural engagements in the dynamic realm of youth empowerment.
In the following, we posed a few questions to the two inspiring young individuals, Tudor and Victor, aiming to gain insight into their experiences during the EYE event.
What sparked your interest in joining the "Empowerment in Youth Exchanges" training in Rome?
T: We found out about the project through our youth leader; the idea of writing a project sounded very intriguing to me since I have been wanting to learn it for some time.
V: The main factor that sparked my interest in participating in this project was my curiosity about writing and managing youth exchange projects.
Is there a particular moment or experience from the training that really stood out to you?
T: I think one of the moments that stood out the most for me was the first session of the project, where we got introduced to our facilitator through a funny game that represented a small taste of their fantastic personality.
V: A particular moment that stayed with me from this experience was when, through the "Speed dating" game, each of us shared our project idea. It was also the moment where close ties were created.
Did you make any interesting connections with whom you plan to carry out a future youth exchange?
T: As a Hungarian speaker, I of course, created a strong relationship with the team from Hungary, with whom we are now working on a youth exchange along with other teams from the EYE Opener.
V: Throughout the project, I created interesting connections with most of the participants, especially with the Belgium and Hungary teams.
Could you tell us about a time when the training embraced or highlighted the richness of cultural diversity?
T: Having teams from so many countries was for sure a unique and amazing experience. On a personal note, I'm glad that now I am more aware of the cultural differences from country to country.
V: During an evening activity, each country participating in this project prepared a stand with various dishes and interesting information, organizing various communication and cooperation activities where I managed to meet new people and traditions.
When you reflect on the training, what parts do you personally treasure the most, and why?
T: Whenever I think of the training, I remember our fun and exciting sessions. I really enjoyed the activities where we played the role of a project writer, and together with other teams, we had to collaborate and think as a team.
V: When I think about the activities I participated in during the training, there were those of communication and cooperation with the rest of the participants in connection with writing and project management.
How did you share the exciting stories and knowledge you gained with your peers or community?
T: To share the experience, I had a presentation in school to multiple classes, including a group of teachers. And of course to my friends.
V: The experience was a special one, as I wanted to tell my family and friends, and also my colleagues, through a presentation at school, encouraging them to participate in these unique Erasmus experiences.