Aqua VPN

Data Collection

When You Visit Our Website or Use Our Extension

We do not use any 3rd party tracking or analytics services, so your activity on this website and bowser extension stays with us (and your ISP) only.

When You Use Our Service

We may collect your IP, e-mail, GEO and other non-identifying information for our internal use, but we never transfer it to any other third parties and never use it with purpose other than for providing functionality of this extension.

The following data is NOT stored:

- Historical record of VPN sessions

- Source IP

- Sites you visited

We are firm believer that one's browsing history should be taken to one's grave.

When You Leave

If for some strange and unknown reason you decide not to use our service anymore, the only piece of information that will remain is your email address. But we never collect those e-mails, do not store them and never transfer them to anyone.

User Data Requests

Since we store the bare minimum for a customer to actually use our service, any request for user data would yield nothing of value. As we do not store any historical logs on who used which IP address, and since IPs are shared by dozens/hundreds of people at any given moment, so we cannot tie any activity to a specific user. Which means the information is non-personal.

Changes to Policy

We will do our best to avoid any changes. If drastic policy changes are required due to a race of giant spiders enslaving all of humanity and forcing us to log our users under the threat of consumption, and we cannot continue providing service under the above mentioned terms, users (with valid email accounts) will be notified. That will be the least of your concern however, you know, because of the giant spiders.