Day 1

Where we stand?

IFRC WASH updates

The horizon for WASH programming in Asia Pacific was put into perspective with the global strategic direction for WASH under four pillars outlined under this strategy: Development WASH, Emergency WASH, WASH in Public Health, and Urban WASH. The global presentation provided the context for four specific focus areas moving ahead in the WASH in Public Health agenda: 1. Hygiene Promotion software, 2. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM), 3. Cholera eradication, and 4. Cash Interventions in WASH. A brief update was given on IFRC’s contribution to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control through One WASH - a multi-year initiative to encourage cholera-targeted programming aligned to the Global Water and Sanitation Initiative (GWSI). Cholera continues to be a major focus in terms of preparedness, response and prevention for long term programming in many countries in Africa.

New and improved WASH tools were introduced and explained to support WASH practitioners in National Societies and IFRCS to work more effectively especially in the focus areas outlined.

Click on the image to download the presentation

IFRC WASH guidelines for hygiene promotion in emergency operations

The guidelines will assist Red Cross Red Crescent staff, and volunteers who plan and implement hygiene promotion interventions to follow a clear pathway (using a step-by-step process), without taking shortcuts in delivering ‘hygiene messages’. It also provides National Societies with a standard approach for quality assurance since it offers an opportunity for more effective training and monitoring. The meeting incorporated interactive adult learning methods to digest the guidelines.

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Guidelines Summary

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MHM guidelines

Newly ready-to-be launched MHM Guidelines – with 13 practical tools (link) that can be freely adapted to each National Society’s context and need: focus group guides, post-distribution monitoring survey, checklists for female-friendly WASH facilities, cash and MHM information and tool, example outputs & indicators for planning DREF and Emergency Appeals. An important feature defines hygiene kits, dignity kits and the MHM kits with illustrations to optimize usage and procurement considerations in various response needs.


Click on the image to download

Menstrual Hygiene Community

Menstrual Hygiene Community is a Community of Practice (CoP) for Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM). It is hosted by the IFRC Learning Platform. This is a place for learning and sharing good practices on MHM in emergencies and longterm programming. The CoP provides the opportunity to connect with external MHM practitioners from other organizations. There is also a library/repository for MHM training-related materials, guidelines, tools and many other resources.

You are encouraged to register to the following website:


A brief update was given on IFRC’s contribution to the Global Task Force on Cholera Control through One WASH - an IFRC multi-year initiative to encourage RCRC programming to contribute to the cholera roadmap (reducing cholera mortality and incidence) delivering integrated WASH/Public Health projects in ‘high risk’ countries and especially in ‘cholera hotspots’ between now and 2030. This is in addition and parallel to the Global Water and Sanitation Initiative (GWSI).


Click on the image to download

One WASH - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Click on the image to download

Global Water Sanitation Initiative portal

The Red Cross Red Crescent Global Water and Sanitation Initiative (GWSI) promotes a common, yet adaptable, approach amongst National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies to establish large-scale, long-term sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene promotion programmes. It aims to continue its efforts in scaling up equitable, sustainable and affordable access to water and sanitation services for all, thereby contributing towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Having reached over 20 million people between 2005 and 2017, we plan to reach a further 20 million people by 2025.

The GWSI portal is an online portal that helps the National Societies to store, update, access and maintain a visual overview of data from their long-term WASH projects. This will assist to profile and position the National Societies and help them to raise more resources for WASH.

In a separate session with Letizia Cottafavi (via skype from Geneva), an update was provided on how the GWSI Portal supports National Societies with online database creation and utilization for large scale long term WASH projects.

Click on the image to download the presentation

Link to connect to the GWSI portal

User guide

Click on the image to download

Watsan Mission Assistant

The Watsan Mission Assistant has been revised and updated, accessible through a new link. The format of the online tool is under reorganization under the four strategic pillars (Emergency WASH, Development WASH, Public Health, WASH, and Urban WASH). National Society and IFRC field colleagues were strongly encouraged share updates with the APRO WASH team to upload in the site.

Useful Websites and links

For a better management of the internal information and communication among the different teams, all the different tools have been recorded on one common document (link).

Learning from evaluations

A specific session was dedicated to understand the importance of evaluations to determine effectiveness and impact of our work, to learn and improve from the experience and findings captured. Evaluations conducted in three WASH projects as listed were presented to provide insights on process, challenges and limitation, findings and recommendations to be addressed.

Click on the image to download the presentation and the report

Review of Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) support in Asia Pacific Emergency WASH 2012-2015

Click on the image to download



Final Evaluation of Community Based WASH Project in Indonesia and Myanmar 2015-2017

Click on the image to download



End-line Evaluation of CDI-2 WASH Programme in north and south Bangladesh

Click on the image to download



To ensure appropriate response with commitments to accountability and transparency, these evaluations are published in the global IFRC evaluations database that also allows for shared learning beyond the Asia Pacific region.

Link to connect to the IFRC evaluation database

Project/programme monitoring and evaluation guide

Click on the image to download


Asia Pacific National Societies were able to showcase various innovations, challenges and learning from actual situational experiences across the region.

WASH activities in emergency operations

Click on the image to download the presentation

Faecal Sludge Management in Emergency


Strengthening LRC capacity in Emergency WASH response and Preparedness

(Lao PDR)

WASH in Emergency Capacity Strengthening


WASH activities in development context

Click on the image to download the presentation

WASH program


Overview of community-based WASH programmes


Bio-Digester Technology for Safer Sanitation


WASH activities in Mongolian Red Cross Society




WASH saves lives, changes minds

(DPR Korea)

WASH and Health


WASH in Schools and Menstrual Hygiene Management


Urban Services in Conflict

A unique opportunity to understand how essential urban services are impacted in protracted armed conflicts was provided by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The effects on critical components of hardware, consumables and people skills leading to cumulative impacts on public health were briefly but dramatically illustrated in animation scenarios.

Click on the image to download the presentation

An anatomy of destruction

WatHab Cumulative impact

All documents for Day 1 are available here.