Privacy Policy

App Vision Tech LLC

This Privacy policy is meant to inform our users about our services, assembling data, divulging of private information of the user, it will be considered agreed to our terms and policy if a user uses our services.

The Personal Information that App Vision Tech LLC apps will collect is used to provide and improve the Services. We will not use or share your personal information with anyone except as the requirement of the apps and as per this Privacy Policy.

Data gathering and its Usage:

Personal Data:

App Vision Tech LLC will never use the personal data of a user for its own purpose, App Vision Tech LLC uses any information to provide better services for the apps. App Vision Tech LLC will surely ask for permission before using any personal data. Users can be asked to provide personal information in order to identify, or contact or may be to change passwords, etc.

Usage Data:

App Vision Tech LLC may keep information about the device used when a user is using our apps on their device. The device usage information could be about the device model, device type, using IP address, device Internet type, the internet browser, and some more distinctive device information.


Cookies are files with small pieces of data, like a username and password, we use cookies to identify your device and the activities on our app's service and keep assured information. Specific cookies are used to identify specific users and improve the user’s browsing experience.

Cookies That App Vision Tech LLC uses:

Session cookies:

These cookies are only used for the purpose of navigation, they cannot access the user data.

Preference Cookies:

These cookies are used to recall your desired and various settings.

Security Cookies:

The App Vision Tech LLC Uses the Security Cookies for the purpose to secure the app services for the users.

Data Sharing:

This term applies to users who are outside of Pakistan. If an outsider user allows providing his/her information to the app server, their provided data will be transferred here to Pakistan except for media like photos and videos.

Children’s privacy:

App Vision Tech LLC does not address anyone for its services on children. Parents may keep a check on a child's activity in our apps. If a parent found that their child has provided us with some personal data that is necessary to be removed, parents may contact us, we will check if there is something like we have been provided this personal data through a child by mistake and without parents' information, we will try to remove that data from our server.

User’s Data Safety:

App Vision Tech LLC assure the user’s data safety according to its privacy policy. The data and information provided and allowed by the user to app will be used in the app services only, not other than that. the app will surely ask for the permission before accessing any kind of user data.

We may ask for permissions like;

Storage: The storage permission may be asked to users to access the media file files like videos, images, audio, etc. this access will be used to display media to the user in the app. We do not use these media in any platform except this app.

Camera: We may ask for permission to access the camera. It will use the camera services to capture the user's photo, record video, and edit in the app.

Microphone: This permission will be asked to provide the audio services to the user, App Vision Tech LLC does not uses any of these information for its surface.

Contacts: Contact permission will be asked by the app if the user is using some contact related services like sharing contacts to other via our app.

Location: Locations permission will be asked if it needs to allow in order to find nearby devices to connect with, to use maps, finding routes, etc.

Third-Party Services:

App Vision Tech LLC takes various third-party services to help us in providing our services for the users in a better way. We do not control the third-party websites, a link, or a service that arrives in the applications does not mean that we advocate them or rehearse them corresponding to the user information.

Amendment in Privacy Policy:

App Vision Tech LLC may do some amendments to its privacy policy for betterment in the future. We may inform our users through a proper notification on the apps. We advise users to check out the privacy policy from time to time. The change in the privacy policy will be meant effective when these are live on the app page.

Contact Us:

If a user has any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us on