Azure Container Apps allows your application to securely store sensitive configuration values. Once secrets are defined at the application level, secured values are available to revisions in your container apps. Additionally, you can reference secured values inside scale rules. For information on using secrets with Dapr, refer to Dapr integration.

When you define a secret, you create a reference to a secret stored in Azure Key Vault. Container Apps automatically retrieves the secret value from Key Vault and makes it available as a secret in your container app.

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Here, a connection string to a queue storage account is declared in the secrets array. Its value is automatically retrieved from Key Vault using the specified identity. To use a user managed identity, replace system with the identity's resource ID.

Here, a connection string to a queue storage account is declared in the --secrets parameter. Replace with the URI of your secret in Key Vault. Replace with the resource ID of the user assigned identity. For system assigned identity, use system instead of the resource ID.

The user assigned identity must have access to read the secret in Key Vault. System assigned identity can't be used with the create command because it's not available until after the container app is created.

If a version isn't specified in the URI, then the app uses the latest version that exists in the key vault. When newer versions become available, the app automatically retrieves the latest version within 30 minutes. Any active revisions that reference the secret in an environment variable is automatically restarted to pick up the new value.

After declaring secrets at the application level as described in the defining secrets section, you can reference them in environment variables when you create a new revision in your container app. When an environment variable references a secret, its value is populated with the value defined in the secret.

Here, the environment variable named connection-string gets its value from the application-level queue-connection-string secret. Also, the Azure Queue Storage scale rule's authentication configuration uses the queue-connection-string secret as to define its connection.

In this example, you create a container app using the Azure CLI with a secret that's referenced in an environment variable. To reference a secret in an environment variable in the Azure CLI, set its value to secretref:, followed by the name of the secret.

In this example, you create a container using Azure PowerShell with a secret that's referenced in an environment variable. To reference the secret in an environment variable in PowerShell, set its value to secretref:, followed by the name of the secret.

After declaring secrets at the application level as described in the defining secrets section, you can reference them in volume mounts when you create a new revision in your container app. When you mount secrets in a volume, each secret is mounted as a file in the volume. The file name is the name of the secret, and the file contents are the value of the secret. You can load all secrets in a volume mount, or you can load specific secrets.

In this example, two secrets are declared at the application level. These secrets are mounted in a volume named mysecrets of type Secret. The volume is mounted at the path /mnt/secrets. The application can then reference the secrets in the volume mount.

To load specific secrets and specify their paths within the mounted volume, you define the secrets in the secrets array of the volume object. The following example shows how to load only the queue-connection-string secret in the mysecrets volume mount with a file name of connection-string.txt.

In this example, two secrets are declared at the application level. These secrets are mounted in a volume named mysecrets of type Secret. The volume is mounted at the path /mnt/secrets. The application can then read the secrets as files in the volume mount.

Secret was an iOS and Android app service that allowed people to share messages anonymously within their circle of friends, friends of friends, and publicly. It differs from other anonymous sharing apps such as PostSecret, Whisper, and Yik Yak in that it was intended for sharing primarily with friends, potentially making it more interesting and addictive for people reading the updates.[1] It was founded by David Byttow, the former lead for Square Wallet, and Chrys Bader-Wechseler, a former Google product manager at Google+, Photovine and YouTube.[2] Bader-Wechseler left the company in January 2015, with the stated reason that the company's shift away from beautiful design and towards more minimalistic design meant that he felt he was no longer the best person to be at the helm of the company.[3] Byttow announced the shutdown of the app and the company on April 29, 2015.[4][5][6][7]

In March 2015, it was revealed that the company was working on new apps based on what they had learned about user needs from the Secret app, but intended to continue to retain the original product.[30][31] It was also revealed that Secret Dens were being used extensively internally at companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.[30]

This document explains how to manage sensitive data for an ASP.NET Core app on a development machine. Never store passwords or other sensitive data in source code. Production secrets shouldn't be used for development or test. Secrets shouldn't be deployed with the app. Instead, production secrets should be accessed through a controlled means like environment variables or Azure Key Vault. You can store and protect Azure test and production secrets with the Azure Key Vault configuration provider.

Environment variables are used to avoid storage of app secrets in code or in local configuration files. Environment variables override configuration values for all previously specified configuration sources.

Consider an ASP.NET Core web app in which Individual User Accounts security is enabled. A default database connection string is included in the project's appsettings.json file with the key DefaultConnection. The default connection string is for LocalDB, which runs in user mode and doesn't require a password. During app deployment, the DefaultConnection key value can be overridden with an environment variable's value. The environment variable may store the complete connection string with sensitive credentials.

Environment variables are generally stored in plain, unencrypted text. If the machine or process is compromised, environment variables can be accessed by untrusted parties. Additional measures to prevent disclosure of user secrets may be required.

The Secret Manager tool stores sensitive data during the development of an ASP.NET Core project. In this context, a piece of sensitive data is an app secret. App secrets are stored in a separate location from the project tree. The app secrets are associated with a specific project or shared across several projects. The app secrets aren't checked into source control.

The Secret Manager tool doesn't encrypt the stored secrets and shouldn't be treated as a trusted store. It's for development purposes only. The keys and values are stored in a JSON configuration file in the user profile directory.

Don't write code that depends on the location or format of data saved with the Secret Manager tool. These implementation details may change. For example, the secret values aren't encrypted, but could be in the future.

Define an app secret consisting of a key and its value. The secret is associated with the project's UserSecretsId value. For example, run the following command from the directory in which the project file exists:

The JSON structure is flattened after modifications via dotnet user-secrets remove or dotnet user-secrets set. For example, running dotnet user-secrets remove "Movies:ConnectionString" collapses the Movies object literal. The modified file resembles the following JSON:

To map the preceding secrets to a POCO, use the .NET Configuration API's object graph binding feature. The following code binds to a custom MovieSettings POCO and accesses the ServiceApiKey property value: e24fc04721

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