How to apply for graduate student positions

Applying to Positions in Academia in Canada and the United States

Generally, when you want to apply to attend graduate school, there are two main ways. You either apply to a program and find your advisor afterward (often through lab rotations), or you apply for a direct admission with an advisor that you have already formed a relationship with. Depending on the type of program you apply to, there are different norms. Generally speaking, and there are exceptions, in the world of biology, ecology and evolution programs tend to be direct admit, whereas micro, genetics, neuroscience and other programs leaning toward the clinical, tend to be more rotation-based. Some programs even offer both options, just to make things extra complicated! Certainly, it is a good idea for programs to explicitly state expectations on their websites, but unfortunately, many do not, and this contributes to gaps between students who have access to this hidden knowledge, and those who do not.

Either way, it's always a good idea to reach out to prospective advisors beforehand, regardless of if their labs take students as direct admits or not. Some advisors, particularly those that only take students through rotations, do not respond to these types of emails, or they may just say that they will consider you after you've already applied, but sending polite email doesn't hurt. Just be sure to be respectful if they reply that they cannot consider you at this time. 

To apply to graduate programs, you will have to prepare documents like a CV and statement of purpose (or similar document), you'll have to collect your transcripts, some programs require GREs, and for foreign students, you may need to prove language proficiency and will have to contend with student visas. Many programs also charge application fees, but if you don't have the money, you may be able to send an email to the graduate program advisor or admissions folks to get a fee waiver. Hopefully, graduate program websites will have information about all of these requirements. 

This page is all about how to contact prospective advisors. When contacting a prospective advisor, there are certain conventions that you should follow. Another professor, Dr. Sarah Evans created a similar and very thorough document covering some of the same information. Check it out here. I am a biologist, so I'm most familiar with how biology programs work, but the email to prospective advisors is pretty standard across all disciplines. Of course, I welcome feedback, and would be happy to update this page if you have any insights on how conventions are different for other disciplines. 


The email is your first point of contact with a prospective advisor, so make sure you spend time on getting this right. The email should be custom-written to show interest in that particular lab, including a bit of familiarity with their research. Your goal is both to make a good professional impression and to make an argument for why you in particular are a good fit. This takes some time, but that’s why it’s best to only email labs that you are truly interested in working in. Unless the advertisement specifically asks for a cover letter, an email will suffice.

Things to do:

Things not to do: 


The CV is what shows the prospective advisor the things that you described in your email or cover letter.

Things to do:

Things not to do: 

Other pieces

In your email you may want to include PDFs of your publications if you have any (at most three). This saves the prospective advisor time and effort in having to track them down. Note that it is not an expectation that undergrads applying to grad school already have publications, but if you do, it's a plus, and a good thing to highlight. 

Cover letter

This section added, per request. 

Some positions that are more formal will require a cover letter from you. This is different from a "Statement of Purpose", which is usually something a graduate program will require, and for which there is plenty of information online. So here are some suggestions for a cover letter if you are reaching out to a prospective advisor. Follow the main points that I made above regarding the initial contact email, but with some more details. The following is a general template followed by some additional notes. Please note that these are just my suggestions and you'll have to use your judgement for the particular position you are applying for. Since I would not require a cover letter from prospective students, it's hard for me to know for sure what a professor is looking for when they ask for this.

Official Letterhead from current or most recent institution



Opening statement, saying who you are

Introduction - Paragraph outlining why you want to go to graduate school, your research experience, and potential as a scientist.

Paragraph on why you are interested in joining this lab. Good to include something about the prof's research that you found interesting and some sort of idea of what you would be interested in studying in their lab.

Wrap-up, follow-up, and thank you.

Embedded electronic signature
Your full name

* This section was inspired by the fantastic cover letter outline for faculty positions by The Broad Institute

Letterhead - Critical contact information: name, degree (graduation date if still a student), current position, email, and phone number

Date, department, and university name and address of the place you are applying to

Salutation – “Dear Prof. [Lastname],”

Opening statement - My name is [Something Something] and I am currently a [senior/4th year (indicate how close you are to graduating)] at [blank University], majoring in [this field]. I am writing to apply for a position as a graduate student your lab at BLANK university.

Introduction - Show enthusiasm/passion here. Why do you want to be a scientist? Why would you be a good graduate student (summarize either some successful research experience, success in courses where you had independent projects, or something that sets you apart as a great graduate student candidate)?

Why this lab? - This is pretty much summarized in the template. Convince the professor that they are the right research mentor for you.

Wrap-up, follow-up, and thank you - You can find my CV (and any other additional documents they may have asked for) attached. I look forward to hearing from you, and thank you.