I am also having this problem, i thought i was the only one! It's so annoying because if i delete it from my library the whole album is deleted from my playlists. i thought updating it would help but it didn't. does anyone know how to fix this??

This is happening to me too. It's extremely frustrating, especially since you can't delete songs from your library without removing them from playlists too. I updated to the newest version of IOS in hopes it would help-- no luck. As others have said, if you are really really quick on adding a song after turning the setting off yet again it seems to work sometimes, but that's annoying, unreliable, and only lets you add one song at a time.

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This seems to a bug that crawled in after the last update. They need to fix this asap, it's annoying and it would definitely be a driving factor on me switching music streaming service. My music library is sacred. I add songs to a playlist and depending on a few factors they either ascend to my music library or stay in the playlist till whenever.

If you're wanting to add songs to a playlist , go to the playlist and select "edit". Then add the songs by search. I haven't had them added to my library and I added at least 6 new songs to a playlist.

Me too!! I thought it was only me, but I tried restarting my phone and deleting Apple Music and reinstalling, but that doesn't work either so don't stress yourself to do so. I might contact Apple to see if they can do anything about it, but for the meantime, keep deleting songs out of your library.

So annoying, might just go to Spotify... or do the old method way of high res downloading/torrenting each song. Shame, I like Apple Music > Spotify because they support the artists more... but if they cannot fix such a simple bug anytime soon I will cancel my subscription and move on.

If I'm on iOS on my phone, or on CarPlay, OR on the web client, I'll be listening to my radio mix, and a song will come on and give me the option to add it to my library. On CarPlay there's a "+" button, on the web or on my phone I can add it to my library manually.

I will either hit the "+" (this is 90% of my usage as I listen primarily while driving), or on my phone and it will remove it from the option list (ie, the "+" disappears), and then after a few seconds -- comes right back. The song doesn't add to my library no matter how many times I click the + icon.

That's the problem. I cannot add some songs to my library at all while listening to my radio mix. The platform I'm on doesn't seem to matter at all, and I'm presuming because the backend API is responding the same way and the GUI which it's presented with is processing it the same way.

I kind of got my problem fixed. It seems to mostly be the issue of the limit to the number of songs you are allowed in your library. Nothing will tell you once you hit 100,000, but you will not be able to add any more and things will stop syncing and it becomes a mess.

The solution sucked, but I went to Apple Music on the web and started deleting songs from my library (took forever) and now I add songs to playlists (but have checked mark to not add them to my library). Starting over sucked but it at least worked and I can create playlists and the songs will be there when I add them.

You can't actually share an entire library, but you can get to the same place by creating a playlist that encompasses the entire library. So if you wanted to share what's in your library, you would create a playlist, select all of the songs in your library and add them to the playlist. Then you'll see an option to share the playlist on your profile page. Anyone who follows you can then add the playlist to their library.

A couple of caveats here. 1) While you can create the playlist and include songs that may have been added from CDs etc, if those songs are not available via Apple Music, they would not appear in the playlist if others add it to their library. They will only see content that's available via an Apple Music subscription. 2) This does not work with Smart Playlists. So to keep it up-to-date, you would need to add any new content to the playlist as you add it to your library.

Code is usually packaged in either a Mach-O file or a static library. Mach-O is used for executables, dynamic libraries, bundles, and object files. These can have a variety of different extensions; the only constant is that .o is always used for a Mach-O containing an object file. Use otool and nm to examine a Mach-O file. Use vtool to quickly determine the platform for which it was built. Use size to get a summary of its size. Use dyld_info to get more details about a dynamic library.

Historically these two roles were combined, that is, the framework included the headers, the dynamic library, and its resources. These days Apple ships different frameworks for each role. That is, the macOS SDK includes the compile-time framework and macOS itself includes the run-time one. Most third-party frameworks continue to combine these roles.

Other Unix-y platforms support the notion of a statically linked executable, one that makes system calls directly. This is not supported on Apple platforms. Apple platforms provide binary compatibility via system dynamic libraries and frameworks, not at the system call level.

One of the most common points of confusion with dynamic linker is the way that the dynamic linker identifies dynamic libraries. There are two standard approaches to this, as described in Dynamic Library Identification.

Xcode 15 introduced the concept of a mergeable library. This a dynamic library with extra metadata that allows the linker to embed it into the output Mach-O image, much like a static library. Mergeable libraries have many benefits. For all the backstory, see WWDC 2023 Session 10268 Meet mergeable libraries. For instructions on how to set this up, see Configuring your project to use mergeable libraries.

A universal binary is a file that contains multiple architectures for the same platform. Universal binaries always use the universal binary format. Use the file command to learn what architectures are within a universal binary. Use the lipo command to manipulate universal binaries.

Most tools work on a single architecture within a universal binary. They default to the architecture of the current machine. To override this, pass the architecture in using a command-line option, typically -arch or --arch.

An XCFramework is a single document package that includes libraries for any combination of platforms and architectures. It has the extension .xcframework. An XCFramework holds either a framework, a dynamic library, or a static library. All the elements must be the same type. Use xcodebuild to create an XCFramework. For specific instructions, see Xcode Help > Distribute binary frameworks > Create an XCFramework.

Historically there was no need to code sign libraries in SDKs. If you shipped an SDK to another developer, they were responsible for re-signing all the code as part of their distribution process. Xcode 15 changes this. You should sign your SDK so that a developer using it can verify this dependency. For more details, see WWDC 2023 Session 10061 Verify app dependencies with digital signatures and Verifying the origin of your XCFrameworks.

Apple platforms use DWARF. When you compile a file, the compiler puts the debug info into the resulting object file. When you link a set of object files into a executable, dynamic library, or bundle for distribution, the linker does not include this debug info. Rather, debug info is stored in a separate debug symbols document package. This has the extension .dSYM and is created using dsymutil. Use symbols to learn about the symbols in a file. Use dwarfdump to get detailed information about DWARF debug info. Use atos to map an address to its corresponding symbol name.

2023-06-13 Defined the term Mach-O image. Added sections for both the static and dynamic linkers. Described the two big new features in Xcode 15: mergeable libraries and dependency verification.

I have over 2,000 of my own movies that I've either ripped or downloaded from another services that were part of my iTunes library. With the upgrade to Catalina, how do you search your own library of movies and home videos? When I use the search box, it just searches Apple's sources.

You have to select your library - Movies, Home Videos... - then select "library" and then go to View and Show Filter Field will be selectable. When you select it, a second search field will open below the existing search field. This will search your Apple TV library.

This is ridiculous - usability of media has degraded severely with Catalina. I am aready using replacements for itunes instead of music Also, the new movie shop has become so unmanageable that I have stopped using it. And also: it is annoying that Apple is using common-day names for its products. It is simply impossible to search for help on the web for products called Music, TV, or Fotos :-( 152ee80cbc

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