With offline maps in iOS 17 and later, you can use Maps for information and navigation even when you don't have a Wi-Fi or cellular connection. Offline maps include details like hours and ratings on places, turn-by-turn directions for driving, walking, cycling, or riding transit, and estimated arrival times.

Offline maps do not sync across your devices. Offline maps are only available in select areas. An offline map for a specific region is not intended for use in all regions. Features vary by country and region.

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After you download an area, use the Google Maps app just like you normally would. If your internet connection is slow or absent, your offline maps will guide you to your destination as long as the entire route is within the offline map.

Offline maps that you downloaded on your phone or tablet must be updated before they expire. When your offline maps expire in 15 days or less, Google Maps tries to update the area automatically when you're connected to Wi-Fi.

I can search in maps for, say, "Hamburger San Francisco" even though I am nowhere near San Francisco at the moment. This search produces the expected results - places in San Francisco that serve hamburgers.

Dude, frankly speaking, I though, that this thing happens only with me. How much I like apple's goods so much I hate them for such lags and gaps. Likely for me, there is list of Golden Corral franchises in your area for such situations, when iPhone refuses to work normally. iPhone will convey me to death from starvation (lmao). Let's hope they will fix it in the next patch of ISO.

Using location-based information in your app is a great way to keep the user connected to the surrounding world. Whether you use this information for practical purposes (such as navigation) or for entertainment, location-based information can enhance the overall user experience.

Because maps and location services are available in both iOS and OS X, location-based apps use very similar code on both platforms. The differences are in user interface code (for example, using UIView in iOS and NSView in OS X) and in the few features that are supported in iOS only (such as heading service).

Maps help users visualize geographical data in a way that is easy to understand. For example, a map can show satellite data for an area, or pitch a map view at an angle and display three-dimensional buildings for a 3D perspective on the area. You can incorporate Map Kit framework standard views into your app and display information tied to specific geographic points. In addition, this framework lets you layer custom information on top of a map, scroll it along with the rest of the map content, and take static snapshots of a map for printing.

A routing app can receive coordinates from the Maps app and use those coordinates to provide point-to-point directions to users. An app that provides navigation capabilities can declare itself a routing app with minimal additional effort. In addition to driving and walking directions, routing apps can support several other modes of transport, including taxi, airplane, and various public transportation options.

Users often want to find locations based on descriptive information, such as a name, address, or business type. Using the Map Kit local search API, you can perform searches that are based on this type of user input and show the results on your map.

Your organization can choose to authorize Apple to display the floor plans for an eligible location in Apple Maps. If the venue is then chosen for inclusion to Apple Maps, the Indoor Program team will work closely with your organization to make sure that the maps are correct and kept up-to-date, and that only publicly accessible areas are shown in the Map.

It is important to note that the indoor maps displayed in Apple Maps are not made available to developers via MapKit or MapKit JS. In this way your organization retains control over which developers are able to use indoor maps of your facilities.

At time of release of this document, the only property types being added to Apple Maps are airports. When additional property types are added, if a newly eligible property has been authorized for use in Apple Maps, the organization will be notified.

The Indoor Maps Program can help streamline the inclusion of indoor maps in your apps and websites. For example, you might want to create an indoor wayfinding app for patients at your hospital or an app for your campus allowing students to report emergencies in a building, or a facilities management app for your staff, so that employees can easily report broken fixtures or rooms that need servicing.

In order to make these apps and websites truly useful you will also need indoor positioning. Apple provides the tools that make it easy to enable Apple indoor positioning technology inside your buildings.

Once your floor plans are converted to IMDF they become easy to display in your apps and websites. Both MapKit and MapKit JS provide APIs with controls for a more stylized presentation of your indoor map.

Apple indoor positioning can typically provide GPS level accuracy when inside a building. It also returns floor level as an integer value: zero for ground floor, positive numbers for floors above ground and negative numbers for floors below ground.

Once a building is surveyed using the Indoor Survey app, indoor positioning is generally available within 24 hours. It is accessed via the Core Location APIs or via Safari on iOS. The Core Location APIs are smart enough to use positioning information from satellites when the device is outside and use the Wi-Fi fingerprinting when the device is inside. This makes it incredibly easy for developers to deal with indoor/outdoor transitions as there is only the one API to call in all situations.

IMDF stands for Indoor Mapping Data Format. IMDF is a data model that is used to describe an indoor space. IMDF is output as a set of GeoJSON files. There are many APIs available to display GeoJSON, making it easy to add indoor maps to your apps or websites. The easiest way to do this is to use MapKit or MapKit JS. Both include APIs for displaying your indoor map in IMDF in Apple Maps.IMDF is intended for the global exchange of indoor data.

If your organization owns or operates airports or shopping centers then Apple can help convert your floor plans, which may be in CAD, BIM or GIS formats, to IMDF. Apple will also consider converting floor plans of other large public venues to IMDF on a case by case basis.

Changes can happen frequently inside buildings. Most common changes involve changes to the occupants of rooms and spaces. For example, in an airport the retail tenants can change often, so the space occupied by a fast food restaurant today might be occupied by a coffee shop next month.

Floor plan changes happen too, usually less frequently than occupant changes. In many cases floor plan changes involve simple splitting and merging of spaces, but in some environments the construction never stops.

Apple Maps shows indoor maps of airports and selected shopping centers. Apple is keen to make sure that the indoor maps are kept up-to-date. In order to do that Apple needs to stay in constant contact with the owners and operators of these facilities.

Occupant changes can be communicated via an updated IMDF or via a simple spreadsheet. Structural changes to the building can be communicated via an updated IMDF or floor plans delivered in CAD, BIM or GIS formats.

Apple Maps has improved leaps and bounds over the last decade, but one area it has always been lacking is offline use. Google Maps and others have let you download maps to be available offline for a long time.

With Apple Maps on iOS 17, you can now save a region of the map locally on your iPhone. As long as you stay inside the bounds of the downloaded map, you can get turn-by-turn directions entirely offline; for driving, walking, cycling, for transit. You can also simple pan and zoom around the map in the Maps app, with no waiting for things to load. Offline maps also include POI data like opening hours.

With a map downloaded, when no network is available, Apple Maps will use the downloaded map if applicable for your current location. When internet is available, Maps will always look up data over the network to incorporate information like realtime traffic.

Benjamin develops iOS apps professionally and covers Apple news and rumors for 9to5Mac. Listen to Benjamin, every week, on the Happy Hour podcast. Check out his personal blog. Message Benjamin over email or Twitter.

The Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) District along with partner agencies have constructed over 28 miles of pathway, of which approximately 21 miles are Class I SMART Pathway within and along the railroad right-of-way.

Currently, 9.5 miles of pathway are slated for construction in 2023/2024. SMART is advancing another 31 miles of planned pathway through design, of which 3.5 miles are already fully funded for construction. For more on the status of the pathway, please see the June 2023 Pathway Update presented to the SMART Board of Directors here.

The SMART Pathway provides first and last-mile connections to train stations and offers a safe way to travel along the rail corridor, particularly in areas where the SMART Pathway is the shortest path of travel between communities. The SMART train and pathway system enable cyclists to make longer journeys by extending their ability to use a bicycle as a preferred mode of travel.

New maps with improved legibility and updated information on the status of the SMART Pathway are available in two formats: printable maps in PDF format (see links below) and the online interactive map shown below.


SMART is developing a Pathway Wayfinding Plan that will include signage for the multi-use bicycle and pedestrian pathway, which connects communities to SMART rail stations and other destinations. Learn more 152ee80cbc

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