Mark As Lost locks your screen with a passcode and lets you display a custom message with your phone number to help you get it back. You can also remotely erase your device if needed. Your custom message continues to display even after the device is erased.

I paid a premium to purchase a unlocked iPhone direct from Apple Canada so that I could use this phone around the world with various SIM cards. As it turns out however, Apple locks this phone upon the initial activation with the SIM I had installed for the activation. The result is that I can receive calls, send/receive SMS but cannot send calls.

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Apple tells me that its Rogers I need to talk to. Rogers wants $60 to unlock my phone and tell Apple's IMEI database that this phone is legit. So why can't Apple register my IMEI directly in their own database? I bought the phone from them, unlocked.

If it was officially unlocked, then ti stay that way. It does NOT lock to the first carrier you activate. This does not happen. It is either locked or unlocked. This does not change when activating with a carrier.

thanks for the reply. i know its surprising..i was surprised also. but...i spent a significant amount of time on the phone with both Rogers and Apple on this issue. in the end, it was explained to me by both Rogers and two Apple Care managers that the phone is locked to the SIM you used for the first iphone activation.

rogers offers to solve the problem quickly. $60 and they let Apple's database know that the IMEI is clear. but...i bought the phone from apple. not rogers. i just happened to have a prepaid rogers sim in the device when i first activated.

a apple rep also admitted this is how it worked. she advised that the problem could be solved by doing a restore with the new SIM installed. i attempted this without success. i am still unable to place calls. all other services are available.

As far as unlocking the iPhone goes it is up to the carrier. Rogers started to unlock iPhones back in December for $50 + applicable provincial taxes, which puts it somewhere close to $60. This is a service that Rogers offers and has nothing to do with Apple. Yes the IMEI number is added to town Apple server somewhere but the service is to do with Rogers. If you are having issues with the unlocking process then you need to contact Rogers.

Once the IMEI number has been sent in you should be able to connect your iPhone to iTunes and do one of two things. You can restore the iPhone with the original SIM. You should get a message saying the iPhone is unlocked with the restore is completed. Second option is to install a sim card from a differnt carrier and then connect to iTunes. No restore should be required if you have a sim card from a differnt carrier.

Thanks for your feedback. I know carrier phones are locked and subsidized. Please note, as written above however, this is not a carrier purchased phone. This is an original, full priced piece of hardware purchased directly from an Apple store. It seems others in Europe have the same issue when buying unlocked: =90&tstart=0 Locking with the carrier of the SIM you had installed upon first time connection to iTunes.

If so it should say something like SIM free under the iPhone on the receipt. If this is the case then it was purchased unlocked and then you could have a legit case, however I would suggest going to an Apple Store and making a genius appointment.

If it does not say SIM free and gives a carrier then the iPhone is carrier locked. If the iPhone is new then you should be able to return it and exchange it for an unlocked iPhone. You could have theoretically been sold a carrier locked iphone rather than an unlocked iphone, and this would show on the receipt. Carrier locked iPhones will lock to the first carrier they are activated with, as their IMEI number is not on recorded on apple's server.

Please note that before last summer all iPhones sold even through the Apple Store at full cost were still carrier locked iPhones. It was only when the iPhone 4 was released that Apple started to sell unlocked iPhones. If the iPhone was sold before last summer you have no choice other than going thought the carrier.

Just for the record, two Apple reps have now told me that this is indeed what happens. The phone locks to whatever SIM you had installed upon the first activation. One rep suggested a restore with the new SIM installed. This was ineffective.

If it was purchased unlocked you have a case for warranty coverage as it should remain unlocked however the warranty coverage is valid in Canada. If you are in a country with an apple store you can try to get help there but they will probably say you need to return to Canada.

There have been some reports of software updates causing the iPhone to lock to the sim card that is in the iPhone at the time, however these are rare, and are often attributed to the user either having a hacked iPhone or a misunderstanding and the user was really sold a locked iPhone. Personally it sounds like you were sold a locked iPhone and not an unlcoked one. Regardless the warranty is valid in Canada so the iPhone would have to be shipped back hero any coverage.

I had the same issue with my iPhone which i bought Unlocked from Apple. In my case, the service provider (Rogers) asked for the IMEI number when activating it with the new SIM card, and not knowing any better, i gave it to them. It is the service provider that locks your phone by putting a lock on that IMEI number. I got the same go around - Apple told me to go through Rogers to unlock and Rogers charged me $50 to release my IMEI number. There might be another way to unlock it by going through the Apple engineering team as the unlocking actually takes place by connecting the iphone to iTunes and restoring the phone. i.e. some Apple database somewhere releases that IMEI number.

Even if you get the iPhone activated in an Apple store, the apple store employee may also give the IMEI number to the service provider when they are filling out the online forms to activate the phone. One almost did with my friend, until we stopped him.

I just updated my iPhone 11 to iOS 16.2 and now my lock screen is displaying just a black screen with the time, flashlight, and camera icons. I restarted the phone and verified that Settings/Wallpaper is set to select the wallpaper image that I have been using for years. After restarting the iPhone, the correct wallpaper was displayed but the next time the display went to sleep, it was again just showing the black background image.

Thank you, ProustGiulio, for your input. I have already created a customized lock screen photo (that I have been using for years) and have selected it in SettingsWallpaper. However, when I wake the phone from sleep, it is not showing that photo. Instead, it shows a black background with the time, flashlight, and camera icons.

I am experiencing all the same things already mentioned, but in my case, it may (or may not) be related to Do Not Disturb. I do not use Bedtime to schedule DND, but rather simply have it scheduled as DND: On from 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., off from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Has worked for years until upgrading from 15.7 to 16.1 on Friday. I had also created wallpaper for lock screen/home screen, and edited from chunky font for time display to thinner, obviously selecting the latter for use. (Kept the orginal unwanted set just in case, as it would be easier to simply modify than going back to wallpaper and starting over in the event it disappeared.

Returning to the problem this thread is about - - I've posted on Product Feedback - Apple several times, so apple should be aware of the wallpaper changing to a black problem. Fixing it may take some time unless the community can discover a reliable way of duplicating the problem.

I have the iPhone11Pro and the same thing happened I believe with the update to iOS16.0.2, as of iOS 16.1 the issue remains. Everyday my 7+ year old wallpaper disappears and both the home screen background and the lock screen become completely black.

Thank you! Worked like a charm. Bizarrely, this problem started for me yesterday when I picked my phone up from the nightstand and it said I was locked out, "try again in 3 hours". I had not tried to enter my passcode 1 time, much less the many incorrect tries it takes to lock it for that long. When I finally did wait out the 3 hours, the passcode worked as usual but the clock widget was dimmed. I had turned the phone off and then on to see if would clear the 3-hour-long "locked out" glitch (it didn't), so I didn't think to do it one more time to clear the "dimmed clock widget" glitch. Anyway, thanks again.

Actually I kinda liked the dim clock as it was more transparent and fit my background nicely. Too bad it disappeared in its own and I am now stuck with a bright lock that is gaudy to watch. Is there a way to switch back to dim mode? Also Apple developers really need to allow us to move the clock to a different location and with smaller size, or remove the clock altogether.

Ok I recently posted about my Lock Screen clock being very dim, almost nonexistent I looked to see if their were any updates pending. Turns out I needed an update to iOS 16. After downloading the update, the phone restarted after and BAM, my clock was fixed, thank you God!

If I click on the closes lock symbol, then the text next to it changes from "click the lock to make changes" to "Authenticating" and I am asked to input my password. If I input an invalid password and click the "Unlock" button, the the password input field just vibrates and stays open, like it used too in previous OS X versions. However if I input the correct one, then the password input box closes, showing successful authentication (the console also logs a successful authentication), but the lock symbol stays closed and the text next to it just changes back to "click the lock to make changes". e24fc04721

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