The AAMC PREview professional readiness exam is designed to look beyond academic metrics to assess and evaluate professional competencies such as resilience and adaptability, service orientation, ethical responsibility to self and others, empathy and compassion, cultural awareness, cultural humility, and teamwork and collaboration, among others.

The AAMC is committed to providing all individuals with an opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency on the AAMC PREview exam. This includes ensuring access to persons with disabilities in accordance with relevant law.

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A preview feature is a new feature of the Java language, Java Virtual Machine, or Java SE API that is fully specified, fully implemented, and yet impermanent. It is available in a JDK feature release to provoke developer feedback based on real world use; this may lead to it becoming permanent in a future Java SE Platform.

Define a model for partitioning new language, VM, and API features based on whether they are permanent or impermanent in the Java SE Platform (that is, whether they will exist in the same form for all future releases, or will exist in a different form or not at all).

This JEP was introduced in 2018, circa JDK 12, to allow two kinds of preview feature in the Java SE Platform: preview language features and preview VM features. Preview features are present in all Java compilers and JVM implementations but disabled by default. The JEP outlined design properties that are required of all preview features, and gave rules for how developers enable and use preview features at compile time and run time. The JEP also discussed how preview features are represented in the JEP Process that governs all JDK feature development.

In 2019, circa JDK 13, this JEP was enhanced to recognize that preview language features are often co-developed with new APIs in the java.base module, principally new classes in java.lang. This led to a taxonomy of co-developed APIs: "essential", "reflective", and "convenient".

In 2020, circa JDK 15, this JEP was enhanced to allow a third kind of preview feature in the Java SE Platform: preview APIs. Preview APIs subsumed the idea of APIs co-developed with preview language features, and further allowed the definition of Java SE APIs unrelated to other preview features; this led to a taxonomy of "essential", "reflective", "convenient", and "standalone" preview APIs. The JEP framed preview APIs so that they share the same properties as preview language and VM features, and are enabled by developers in exactly the same way. However, the JEP also recognized differences between the four categories of preview API, and between preview APIs and preview language features, that motivated more relaxed rules for using preview APIs than for using preview language and VM features.

In 2023, circa JDK 20, this JEP was modified to set expectations that (1) previewing an API can lead to change that is qualitatively different than the change seen for a language or VM feature, and (2) previewing may take longer than 12 months under certain circumstances. For background, see the retrospective Preview Features: A Look Back, and A Look Ahead.

The Java SE Platform has global reach, so the cost of a mistake in the design of a Java language feature, JVM feature, or Java SE API is high. A mistake may be a hard technical error (such as a flaw in Java's type system), a soft usability problem (such as a surprising interaction with an older feature), or a poor architectural choice (such as one that forecloses on directions for future features).

To build confidence in the correctness and completeness of a new feature -- whether in the Java language, the JVM, or the Java SE API -- it is desirable for the feature to enjoy a period of broad exposure after its specification and implementation are stable but before it achieves final and permanent status in the Java SE Platform. To achieve the broadest possible exposure, and to maximize the likelihood of swift feedback, the feature may be included in a JDK feature release on a preview basis. Previewing a feature in the JDK will encourage tool vendors to build good support for the feature before the bulk of Java developers use it in production.

Over the six-month course of the JDK feature release, and perhaps the following release too, the feature's "real world" strengths and weaknesses will be evaluated to decide if it has a long-term role in the Java SE Platform. Ultimately, the feature will either be granted final and permanent status (with or without refinements) or be removed.

whose design, specification, and implementation are complete, but which would benefit from a period of broad exposure and evaluation before either achieving final and permanent status in the Java SE Platform or else being refined or removed.

(Readiness) The preview feature has a high probability of being 100% finished within 12 months. This timeline reflects our experience that two rounds of previewing is the norm, i.e., preview in Java $N and $N+1 then final in $N+2. For APIs that have exceptionally large surface areas or engage deeply with the JVM, and for language features that integrate with other language features as a matter of necessity, we anticipate additional rounds of feedback and revision, as such features will underpin the Java ecosystem for decades to come.

(Stability) The preview feature could credibly achieve final and permanent status with no further changes. This implies an extremely high degree of confidence in the concepts which underpin the feature, but does not completely rule out making "surface level" changes in response to feedback. (This is especially relevant for an API, which necessarily exposes concepts via a larger surface area than a language feature; a semantically stable API might undergo considerable syntactic polishing (e.g., renaming classes, adding helper methods) during its preview period, before achieving final status.)

High quality. A preview feature must display the same level of technical excellence and finesse as a final and permanent feature of the Java SE Platform. For example, a preview language feature must respect traditional Java principles such as readability and compatibility, and it must receive appropriate treatment in the reflective and debugging APIs of the Java SE Platform.

Not experimental. A preview feature must not be experimental, risky, incomplete, or unstable. An experimental feature must not be previewed in a JDK feature release, but rather be iterated and stabilized in its own project, which in turn produces binaries that are clearly distinguished from binaries of the JDK Project. For the purpose of comparison, if an experimental feature in HotSpot is considered 25% "done", then a preview feature in Java SE should be at least 95% "done". To make a further comparison, the level of completeness and stability expected for a preview API is considerably higher than the level expected for an incubating API.

Universally available. The Umbrella JSR for the Java SE $N Platform enumerates the preview features of the platform. The desire for feedback and the expectation of quality means that these features are not "optional"; they must all be supported in full by every implementation of Java SE $N. In particular, all preview features must be disabled by default in a Java SE implementation, and an implementation must offer a mechanism to enable all preview features. An implementation must not allow preview features to be enabled on an individual basis, since all preview features have equal status in the Java SE Platform.

As a general rule, if a question arises about some property of a preview feature and the question is not answered explicitly in this JEP, then the implicit answer is "No different for a preview feature than for a final and permanent feature."

A preview language feature may add declaration, statement, expression, and literal forms to the syntax of the Java language; it may modify the static semantics (typing) of pre-existing declarations, statements, expressions, and literals; and it may modify the dynamic semantics (execution) of pre-existing statements or expressions.

A preview VM feature may add and modify elements of the class file format; it may alter the rules for loading, linking, and initializing classes; and it may extend and modify the JVM instruction set. Preview VM features are different from the low-level features of the HotSpot JVM implementation which are configured via java -X or java -XX. Preview VM features are also distinct from "experimental" HotSpot features, which are early versions of low-level features that need to be explicitly unlocked in HotSpot at run time. (For example, when HotSpot's Z Garbage Collector was experimental in JDK 11, it was enabled via java -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseZGC.) 2351a5e196

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