Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately, the problem is still persisting. I do have the latest updates for Windows 11. I also had the latest updates for Intel. Nvidia had an update, which I installed and shutdown and restarted my computer for. Unfortunately, the problem is still going on. I still only get about 1 to 2 minutes of run time on Rhino 7 before everything freezes up. Let me know if you have any more options to try!

It happens in all apps. Notice it most in Messages. I can sometimes type a sentence or two and then it completely freezes. I have to double tap home and force close the app and then restart. Sometimes my previously entered text is there, sometimes it is not. I thought it was a Messages issue, but I have had it happen in Mail, Notes and even tried just entering a long string of text in the search field on Safari. It will freeze.

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Well after much playing, I think I figured it out. Turned off "Check Spelling" in keyboard settings and voila. No more freezing. Toggle it on and off and sure enough, with it on, keyboard seems to pick a few words it always freezes on. With it off, no issues no matter what I type. I have filed a bug report.

I am running a frontend-backend (node) application on EC2 (t2.medium) with RDS postgres DB (t3.micro). There are only few users (30) users at a time on the system, but lots of db read/write . The system (EC2) freezes (unresponsive) often and I have to re-boot the server . Any idea where I should be looking at, the CPU usage never seems to exceed 60%. Tools or utilities that can be used . Any pointers would be helpful.

Envrionment - XenApp 7.15 CU3 all running Windows Server 2016. users launching multiple applications, IE Outlook, Local Intranet site etc, via published apps. Once user stop using the application or goes idle for like 5 minutes the entire session freezes or goes into not responding. Only way to clear is to disconnect from server. Not sure what is causing this as no log events or logs showing up in Citrix Director. This seems to only happen for external users connecting from outside our Firewalls. We don't use Citrix Netscalers, rather F5 LB's.

my camera freezes every day it happened with different batteries different memories. and sd different. the camera started restarting in the middle of my music video work with the musicians in front of me where I only had minutes to do the covers. The worst thing about this is the terrible service from Canon. I bought the camera a month ago and they tell me that they repair it is an injustice. that apart from staying if my work tool touches me to rent and they give me a repaired camera.

Description of the issue: When I open the browser, the entire window freezes. I am unable to close it, change tabs, anything at all. The freeze happens literally a second into opening the browser.

No crash happens when I open Brave, so I do not seem to have anything in my crash report folder. I just have to force quit the app to close the window. I do not know what other information I can provide. I wish I could close tabs or delete extensions one by one and check what causes this, but unless there is a way without opening the browser, I cannot do it because it freezes immediately. Killing individual processes in Task Manager does nothing. I also have tried to open a Private Window to see if I can quickly access settings this way, but that window freezes as well. Closing the window by clicking X does nothing, I only can close the window if I forcequit through Task Manager.

did you find a solution afterwards? For two weeks now i have the same problem. In Flight mode everything works until creo is realizing that the license was lost. When i am not in flight mode every 5 sec it freezes from 30sec up to 2 min. Horrible.

Working in my app whether I have only one small file or six large opened, time to time it occasionally freezes when I try to click on the Home icon, I have to wait about 30-70 seconds for it to finally respond.

After all this time and this freeze continues to happen. As I mentioned it happen as soon as a race is finished in trial and seasonal races, it freezes for 3 to 5 minutes and then it restores. Main issue is with the seasonal trial if happens at the end of the first or second race as you lose and have to begin again.

Windows 10,

Radeon 5600XT

16 Gb Ram

I7 3770k

When i open a schematic, and try to open ADE, Cadence hangs, and I can't do any other thing. I'm using IC5.141USR5, and I should say that I can open the any layout, created new library, add instances, but whenever I try to run ADE, it freezes, no matter what design kit version I'm using. Even I tried to change the cadence version from USR5 to newer ISR, but not outcome. .cdsevn and .cdsinit, display.drf, .simrc files come from the design kit directory without any changes. The ic5.151USR5 folder is Ok on the server, as I see other people can run Cadence without any problem. I have attached CDS.Log file to this post. Any suggesstion is highly appreciated as I'm really in a big trouble with lots of coming deadlines.

"spectrei.cxt", "spectrein1.cxt", "ultrasim.cxt", "Amc.cxt". When I look at the CDS.log, I see that just, the first two files "simui.cxt", and "awv.cxt" have been loaded and it cadence freezes without loading the other 4 files. Does it give any clue?

Numerous calls to Apple support have been useless: I have deleted and reinstalled the app, hard-restarted the iPad numerous times, completely erased and set up my iPad as new, and still the Music app freezes up.

I did a bios update before installing windows 10, then installed it and put the PC to work. Updated all drivers, etc. And it started to have random freezes. Doesnt matter if its a game, a browser, a word document...

The exact type of freeze I have is: Randomly, not always, when using copy, paste, or when a file download dialog opens, firefox freezes. All open windows freeze. No response to mouse buttons, no response to the close button, no way to change tabs. If youtube is playing something, its audio continues for a few minutes, then stops too. It's common enough that if I copy/paste/download enough, it can happen multiple times a day.

Other things, like clicking links on websites or typing messages, do not cause freezes, it's only those things that involve clipboard or opening of a file dialog or download window in some way, or similar things (possibly also a right click menu).

I also see some posts here and there that mention disabling "accessibility.force_enabled" to fix the freezes, but that had no effect on me and seems to be for a different Windows related freeze, not Linux related.

Hmm, there is no error there that indicates nothing that may cause those freezes.

Next time, if you need to reboot, you can run the command like this to give you the errors since the previous boot: journalctl -b -1 -p 3.

I did both disabling all Gnome Shell extensions and creating a new Fedora user account but no difference to the amount or duration of the freezes. As for disabling the tracker, the link you gave me gives two ways to disable it. Which one is the safe and correct one?

> Hello I have very strongly hangs webflow when I do something for example edit the text, hangs for 3-4 seconds. The system is powerful, everything else works, RAM memory is enough, the project is large, whatever I do not edit, insert, save, webflow freezes, it takes a lot of time for nothing.

I've developed a recent issue when I attempt to screen share: my zoom interface freezes while screen sharing or as soon as I stop screen sharing (people on the other end can still hear me, but I can't click on the interface or write in chat, and the interface often looks distorted). The only way to resolve the issue is to use my task manager to quit out of zoom then to go back to the meeting (which I am hosting) to re-enter. This is a big problem, because I am using zoom to instruct college students.

I was able to create, add comments, and edit until today. 

I am not able to edit a comment on the same issue on Chrome. Whenever I try to edit the comment, the entire page freezes.

I am able to edit while using Safari... I do not use Safari - like ever. So I would like to have this fixed.

I've updated my iMac Pro (2017) to macOS Big Sur. When I launch Media Composer (2020.12) it wil start up, but it freezes after opening a project. It says it's reading the settings. I've tried everything: deleting the settings, creating a new project, re-install Media Composer...nothing works.

I recently found an older version of a WAVES audio plug-in was hanging up my recently updated 2010.10 on launch. Eventually I found the advice to remove all the third-party effects and plug-ins (move them to a temporary folder). If Avid Media Composer successfully launches, great! You now know where to look. Add the plug-ins back a few at a time and try launching AMC. If successful, keep adding and launching until it freezes again and you can narrow down the incompatible plug-in.

The thing is that I don't quite understand how there could be a hardware problem. MC worked fine for the last years. The update to macOS Catalina on my iMac wasn't a problem for MC. When Avid announced that MC was ready for macOS Big Sur I installed the OS. How could there be a hardware problem? MC launches correct but freezes when opening a project.

Cursor freezes all of a sudden, can not move it with the trackpad unless I restart the Traktor. If I swipe the four fingers on trackpad for switching from Traktor desktop to desktop-2 then cursor works normal. When I go back to Traktor desktop, again cursor remains frozen.

you have to find a solution for this. Same here Traktor Pro 3, all updates, all original Mac software and Traktor Z1. Cursor freezes in the middle of gig. The only way is to restart Traktor Pro 3. Embarassing.

I want to add too, it is not just when closing Cubase: Coming back to a project in the morning that has been left open all night, it works as it should . . . until (for example) I open a plugin that is already in an insert and has been working perfectly the night before, or do some other completely normal operation, and suddenly Cubase freezes. 2351a5e196

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