I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College. I am an applied economist who studies firms in developing countries. My work analyzes what drives the productivity and growth of firms in economies characterized by substantial market failures; in particular, how the performance of firms and allocation of resources across firms interacts with various frictions prevalent in developing economies. For more information, please see my CV.


Apoorv GuptaDepartment of EconomicsDartmouth College
Email: apoorv.gupta [AT] dartmouth.edu


[1] Shocks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Electronic Payment Systems (with Nicolas Crouzet and Filippo Mezzanotti) [pdf] (Journal of Political Economy, November 2023)

Supplementary Data: [ district exposure measure ]   [ replication material ]
Coverage: [Kellogg Insights] [Ark Invest] [CNBC] [TPRI] [QRIUS] [ LSE Business Review ] [ Visible Hand Podcast ]

[2] Language Barriers, Technology Adoption and Productivity: Evidence from Agriculture in India (with Jacopo Ponticelli and Andrea Tesei) [pdf] (April 2024) 

[Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics]

Coverage: [World Bank Development Blog] [Ideas for India] [Kellogg Insights] [ThePrint]

Working papers

[3] Information Frictions and Take-up of Government Credit Programs  (with Pulak Ghosh, Jacopo Ponticelli and Andrea Tesei) [ssrn] [pdf] (July 2023)

[Revise and resubmit, Review of Financial Studies]

[4] Demand for Quality, Variable Markups and Misallocation: Evidence from India [ssrn] [pdf] (February 2024)

[Revise and resubmit, AEJ: Applied Economics]

[5] Demographics and Technology Diffusion: Evidence from Mobile Payments (with  Nicolas Crouzet, Pulak Ghosh and Filippo Mezzanotti) [ssrn] [pdf] (March 2024)

[6] Loan Maturity and Borrower Effort: Evidence from Small Businesses in Financial Distress  (with Christopher Eaglin) [pdf] (May 2024)