Captain Selection
Team Captain Selection Process
Beginning in the 2023-2024 season the Sunset Girls Basketball program will be following a new approach to determining varsity team captains each season. This approach is meant to give our athletes transparency and clarity into what is expected of a captain, and some insight into what it takes to earn the role captain.
Timeline for Varsity Team Captain Selection Process:
April-November: Anyone interested in being a captain should take a look at the TEAM CAPTAIN LEADERSHIP QUESTIONAIRE and read the contents of this page. This will provide them with insight on what our program looks for in a captain.
First week of the season: One tryouts are complete and team selections have been made, all varsity team members will fill out an anonomous captains survey (see belo for actual survey).
Prior to FIRST GAME: Varsity team captain selections will be made and communicated to the team.
The coaching staff will use a combination of student athlete interest, teammate feedback, and prior leadership demonstrated to make decision on varsity team captains. All these factors will be taken into considiration during the selection process. Ultimately it is at the descretion of the head coach and the coaching staff to choose captains. Results from the team captain leadership surveys will not be made available to anyone but the coaching staff and school administration.
A few important notes about what captains are / are not
Being the most talanted player does not automatically mean you are a team captain or deserve to be one.
Being a senior does not automatically mean you are a team captain or deserve to be one.
Not being selected as a team captain is OK! Being a team captain has some added responsibilities and expectations that some athletes may not want to take on..... AND THATS OK.
Captains uphold the Sunset Girls Basketball programs core values.
You can still be a leader without holding the title of team captain. This provides you with the opportunity to showcase your potential in order to be cosidered in the future. Good leaders must demonstrate leadership before they become a captain.
Captains are leaders, but great leaders must also be of service others.
There will be 3 Varsity Team Captains.
10 Non-Negotibles for being a Varsity Team Captain
Has a desire to lead.
Is coachable.
Dedicated and Hard Working.
Is respected by their peers.
Previously has demonstrated leaderhip.
Holds themselves as well as others to a high standard.
"ALL IN". Someone who is bought into the program and what Sunset Girls Basketball stands for.
Willing to communicate with the Head Coach/Coaching staff on a daily basis.
Is Vocal.
Has Pride and Passion. Someone who represents themselves and Sunset Girls Basketball in the classroom, school, and community.
3 Example Questions from the Team Captain Leadership Questionaire
1) A team captain has to have the respect of the team. Their teammates have to respect their work ethic, commitment to the team, passion and desire to compete and win, ability to encourage others through words or actions, and the respect they have for others. Which individual(s) do you respect?
2) A team captain should be a LEADER off the court. They should represent the program, school, community, and themselves with pride and integrity. They attend class, are respectful to adults and their peers, and know what it means to "do the right thing." Which individual(s) do you feel are leaders off the court?
3) A team captain has to be willing to sacrifice individual accolades and glory for the good of the team. To them a win is more important than being the leading scorer, and they will do whatever is necessary to achieve that goal. Which individual(s) do you feel put the team above their individual accolades?