Advertising ID

The Holy Valera Bible Application application belonging to Christian Applications domiciled at Carlos Miguel Gímenez, Lb, PY, uses, collects data and transmits information regarding the advertising ID. The advertising ID is a unique ID for advertising provided by Google Play Services that the user can reset. This ID offers better controls for users and provides a simple and standard system that allows developers to continue to earn income with their applications. Users can reset the identifier or disable custom ads (formerly known as interest-based ads) in Google Play applications. More details about the Advertising ID can be read at the following link:


We can show ads in our applications to finance the development process of current and future services. Ads are provided by third-party companies (ADMOB) and can use and collect anonymous data about the user's interests in order to select more relevant ads. This information may also include location data and unique device identifier. No information is collected to allow third parties to identify you as a person.

Admob Policy:

By using our applications, you accept the terms of this policy.


This app uses, collects data and transmits information to provide pop-up notifications to the devices through the service provided by Firebase. Users can disable pop-up notifications in Google Play applications.

Information about data processing

Examples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase.

Some Firebase services process the personal data of your end users to provide their service. The following graphic shows examples of how various Firebase services use and control personal data of end users. In addition, several Firebase services offer the ability to request the removal of specific data or control how they are managed.

Examples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase

*Image at the bottom of the site

More information about the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of Firebase in


The app collects data and transmits information in order to provide pop-up notifications to the devices through the service provided by the OneSignal website. Users can disable pop-up notifications in Google Play applications.

Opt for OneSignal automatic notifications

In most cases you can choose not to receive automatic notifications by accessing "Settings" of your device and clicking "Notifications", and then changing that setting for some or all applications of your device. (Different device configurations or device updates can affect or change the operation of these configurations.)

Your choice to opt out of receiving "Notifications" from the OneSignal platform will not affect ads published by any other organization.

Information collected by OneSignal:

- When allowed by the operating system, OneSignal can verify if the device has specific applications installed, based on a limited list, for purposes that include attribution, the relevance of the ads and the relevance of notifications related to those applications.

- Purchases made within an application

- Information about the transactions and interactions of the end user with applications and websites

- Mobile advertising identifiers, such as iOS IDFAs and Android Advertising IDs ("Mobile ID"). These mobile IDs can be associated with other information, even with data segments.

- Accurate location information, usually an end user's lat / long data (ie, GPS level data) or WiFi information, which we can associate with mobile IDs, and which can be collected whether an application is in use or do not.

- Email address, which we can (at our discretion) hash or otherwise disidentify.

- IP address, as well as system configuration information

- Information associated with or related to devices, such as type of device (for example, mobile, tablet); type and version of the operating system (for example, Android, iOS); network provider; mobile browser (for example, Safari, Chrome, etc.); language settings; time zone; and type of network status (such as WiFi).

All the information on how you use, share the Onesignal information can be read at the following link:

The app uses the Firebase service for analytical purposes.

Information about data processing

Examples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase.

Some Firebase services process the personal data of your end users to provide their service. The following graphic shows examples of how various Firebase services use and control personal data of end users. In addition, several Firebase services offer the ability to request the removal of specific data or control how they are managed.

Examples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase

*Image at the bottom of the site

More information about the terms and conditions of use and privacy policy of Firebase in

Changes in policy

This Privacy Policy can be updated at any time. We suggest that you check this page regularly so that you are aware of any changes. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to periodically review this policy so that you are aware of the changes.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

*Examples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase

IExamples of personal data of end users processed by Firebase