The "advanced" audio setting is referring to the Video converter, and the camera to which it is connected is giving the sound but the video converter does not record the sound. I only see the video. The audio indicator does not indicate volume, it is grey.

The camera and the video grabber connection have the same s video input/output (both male/female).

So I bought a cable that has also two same opposite connections (both male/female) to be able to connect the 2 same s video connections of the camera and the grabber.

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1 x 250GB Evo 970 NVMe: drive for C: drive backup 1 x 1TB Sabrent NVMe drive for Operating System / Programs only. 1X WD BLACK 1TB internal SATA 7,200rpm hard drives.1 for internal projects, 1 for Library clips/sounds/music/stills./backup of working projects. 1x500GB SSD current project only drive, 2x WD RED 2TB drives for latest footage storage. Total 21TB of 8 external WD drives for backup.

S-video connections carry no audio signal. As @johnebaker wrote above, if you are using a "pure" S-video cable you also need a separate audio cable to connect the audio output of your camera to the audio input of your computer.

A big one is your mobile phone which constantly send out signals when not in use. Even when things are well shielded. That does sound very 'Digital' almost Morse code sound whereas main hum is a constant frequency. Signal can also be induced within the mains if running on the mains power supply and spikes or clicks can be caused by heavy duty mains being switched in from pumps from central heating of hot water systems or freezers / fridges / washing machines and should ideally be plugged into a different loop of the ring mains.Years ago it was not uncommon to see rf chokes fitted to the end of a mouse lead or video cable. Not so common now.

If you only get the noise when running off of the mains it could point to a problem with the mains charger or the socket it is connected to could be sharing the mains loop with another noisy bit of equipment from the list above.

i u ide o vlastnorune nahrat vide z dovolenky alebo starie videozznamy z veierkov a svadieb. Zdigitalizujte svoje najkrajie spomienky skr, ne sa na ne plne zabudne! Praktick a vestrann video grabber od spolonosti CSL vm umon zaznamenva analgov video a audio signly z externho prehrvacieho zariadenia, ako je videorekordr alebo analgov videokamera. To umouje prehrvanie na televzoroch, projektoroch a pltnach.

Okrem toho sa video grabber me pouva nielen s videokamerami a rekordrmi, ale aj so vetkmi ostatnmi zariadeniami s video a/alebo audio vstupom. K stolovmu potau alebo notebooku mete pripoji DVD prehrvae, videorekordry, videokamery, digitlne fotoaparty, videokamery, stereo systmy alebo in AV zariadenia s kompozitnm (RCA) alebo S-Video pripojenm.

Vaka funkcii snmania mete z videozznamov zachytva statick snmky. Dodan softvr vm pome prenies zaznamenan filmy na pevn disk alebo DVD a poskytne vm irok klu nstrojov na pravu a tvorbu. Video a zvukov sbory mete transformova pravou parametrov jasu, kontrastu, odtiea a stosti.

I have an old DCR-PC5E handycam and lots of DV tapes however I also have a laptop without a Firewire port or an audio output plugs. I also have the original Firewire cable but no way to convert the tapes onto my laptop hard drive. I think the only way I can now save these tapes is to obtain an original memory stick as my original has been destroyed.

I think I can download the original minidisk onto the memory stick and then use the laptops card reader to save the memory stick contents onto the hard drive. but cannot find anywhere that now stocks them can you advice if there is an alternative or where I can purchase a memory stick?

Thanks for your help the video grabber works perfectly Its just the camera I ahve the issue with now. for some reason whenever I try to view a video when I press play the tape just fast forwards and none of the buttons seem to work as per the handbook. I might have changed a setting without realising it but can find no reference to sorting this issue out. In fact sometimes when I have the player in the rewind mode it actually fast forwards and I cannot stop this happening.

It sounds like the common touchscreen fault, on the PC5E. Either fit a replacement touch screen or, with a remote control, use the video control buttons to play etc. (RMT-812 is the one supplied with the camcorder, but many other Sony remotes will work).

Ob beispielweise selbstaufgenommene Urlaubsvideos oder ltere Videoaufnahmen von Festen und Hochzeiten. Digitalisiere deine schnsten Erinnerungen, bevor sie komplett in Vergessenheit geraten! Der praktische und vielseitig einsetzbare Videograbber von CSL ermglicht die Aufzeichnung analoger Video- und Audiosignale von einem externen Wiedergabegert wie zum Beispiel einem Videorekorder oder einer analogen Videokamera. Dadurch wird ein Abspielen auf Fernsehern, Projektoren und Leinwnden mglich.

Auerdem lsst sich der Videograbber nicht nur mit Videokameras und -rekordern, sondern mit allen anderen Gerten mit Video- und/oder Audioausgang verwenden. Du kannst DVD-Player, Videorecorder, Camcorder, Digitalkameras, Videokameras, Stereo-Anlagen oder sonstige AV-Gerte mit Composite (RCA)- oder S-Video-Anschluss mit deinem Desktop-PC oder Notebook verbinden.

Dank Snapshot-Funktion knnen Standbilder von Videos aufgenommen werden. Hierzu hilft dir die mitgelieferte Software, deine aufgezeichneten Filme auf deine Festplatte oder DVD zu bringen, sodass zahlreiche Bearbeitungs- und Erstellungs- werkzeuge zur Verfgung stehen. So kannst du Video- und Audiodateien durch die Helligkeits-, Kontrast-, Farbton- und Sttigung-Parameter umwandeln. 152ee80cbc

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