JD-Core is a JAVA decompiler written in JAVA. JD-Core is a standalone JAVA library containing the JAVA decompiler of "Java Decompiler project". It support Java 1.1.8 to Java 10.0, including Lambda expressions, method references and default methods. JD-Core is the engine of JD-GUI.

A decompiler is a computer program that translates an executable file to high-level source code. It does therefore the opposite of a typical compiler, which translates a high-level language to a low-level language. While disassemblers translate an executable into assembly language, decompilers go a step further and translate the code into a higher level language such as C or Java, requiring more sophisticated techniques. Decompilers are usually unable to perfectly reconstruct the original source code, thus will frequently produce obfuscated code. Nonetheless, they remain an important tool in the reverse engineering of computer software.

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The term decompiler is most commonly applied to a program which translates executable programs (the output from a compiler) into source code in a (relatively) high level language which, when compiled, will produce an executable whose behavior is the same as the original executable program. By comparison, a disassembler translates an executable program into assembly language (and an assembler could be used for assembling it back into an executable program).

Decompilation is the act of using a decompiler, although the term can also refer to the output of a decompiler. It can be used for the recovery of lost source code, and is also useful in some cases for computer security, interoperability and error correction.[1] The success of decompilation depends on the amount of information present in the code being decompiled and the sophistication of the analysis performed on it. The bytecode formats used by many virtual machines (such as the Java Virtual Machine or the .NET Framework Common Language Runtime) often include extensive metadata and high-level features that make decompilation quite feasible. The application of debug data, i.e. debug-symbols, may enable to reproduce the original names of variables and structures and even the line numbers. Machine language without such metadata or debug data is much harder to decompile.[2]

The places where register contents are defined and used must be traced using data flow analysis. The same analysis can be applied to locations that are used for temporaries and local data. A different name can then be formed for each such connected set of value definitions and uses. It is possible that the same local variable location was used for more than one variable in different parts of the original program. Even worse it is possible for the data flow analysis to identify a path whereby a value may flow between two such uses even though it would never actually happen or matter in reality. This may in bad cases lead to needing to define a location as a union of types. The decompiler may allow the user to explicitly break such unnatural dependencies which will lead to clearer code. This of course means a variable is potentially used without being initialized and so indicates a problem in the original program.[citation needed]

A good machine code decompiler will perform type analysis. Here, the way registers or memory locations are used result in constraints on the possible type of the location. For example, an and instruction implies that the operand is an integer; programs do not use such an operation on floating point values (except in special library code) or on pointers. An add instruction results in three constraints, since the operands may be both integer, or one integer and one pointer (with integer and pointer results respectively; the third constraint comes from the ordering of the two operands when the types are different).[6]

The final phase is the generation of the high level code in the back end of the decompiler. Just as a compiler may have several back ends for generating machine code for different architectures, a decompiler may have several back ends for generating high level code in different high level languages.

Structuring is the hardest part of decompiler development (at least for high level languages). That's a fairly simplistic algorithm, so it's a good starting point, but you'll likely want to use a better algorithm or make your own if you're working on a real decompiler.

Currently the decompiler supports compiler generated code for the x86, x64, ARM32, ARM64, and PowerPC processors. We plan to port it to other platforms in the future. The programmatic API allows our customers to improve the decompiler output. Vulnerability search, software validation, coverage analysis are the directions that immediately come to mind.

If you have an existing WinHelp file without the HPJ and RTF source files, you can download the WinHelp decompiler to recreate the HPJ and RTF sources from the HLP file. Extract the files inside helpdc21.zip into a new folder. Then you can easily decompile any .hlp file from the command prompt, by typing: helpdeco helpfile.hlp where helpfile.hlp is the help file you want to decompile. The decompiler will generate the HPJ and RTF files, along with a series of bitmap files if the help file contains images. Use Project|Import Help Project in HelpScribble to import the help file.

Even if you do have the HPJ and RTF sources of the HLP file, you still may want to use the decompiler. The RTF format is very loosely defined. Each and every application has its own interpretation of the format. Microsoft Word is notorious for generating messy RTF files. The decompiler on the other hand, generates very clean RTF files, which HelpScribble will import just fine. If HelpScribble has troubles importing the HPJ and RTF files exported by your previous help authoring tool, use the decompiler instead.

Note: The WinHelp decompiler is a freeware application written by Manfred Winterhoff. It is not part of the HelpScribble product. We provide it here for download as a courtesy to our customers.

A common tool used by security professionals for reverse-engineering binaries found in the wild is the decompiler. A decompiler attempts to reverse compilation, transforming a binary to a higher-level language such as C. High-level languages ease reasoning about programs by providing useful abstractions such as loops, typed variables, and comments, but these abstractions are lost during compilation. Decompilers are able to deterministically reconstruct structural properties of code, but comments, variable names, and custom variable types are technically impossible to recover.

In this paper we present DIRTY (DecompIled variable ReTYper), a novel technique for improving the quality of decompiler output that automatically generates meaningful variable names and types. DIRTY is built on a Transformer-based neural network model and is trained on code automatically scraped from repositories on GitHub. DIRTY uses this model to postprocesses decompiled files, recommending variable types and names given their context. Empirical evaluation on a novel dataset of C code mined from GitHub shows that DIRTY outperforms prior work approaches by a sizable margin, recovering the original names written by developers 66.4% of the time and the original types 75.8% of the time.

I don't believe there's a decompiler available for any version of LabVIEW. However, in older versions of LabVIEW (prior to 8, if I'm not mistaken) a compiled LabVIEW application was pretty much a ZIP file with all the VIs inside. Try renaming a copy of the application, replacing the .EXE extension with .ZIP, then see if you can look inside it. You might be able to get a list of all the VIs, and with some luck they will have been named in a way that gives you some clues. If you get this far, and you can identify and install the correct version of LabVIEW (probably including patch release), you might then be able to drop those VIs into the block diagram of a new VI. You won't be able to see the front panel or block diagram but you'll at least be able to identify the terminals of the subVIs and see the output with different inputs.

I know DOSbox, the app runs in it all right. The problem is, I don't need to run it, I need to understand the file format in which it writes data. Do you think starting some old 16bit DOS debugger/decompiler in DOSbox sounds like an idea? If yes, could you please name a decent DOS debugger?

The only problem I can't solve is to permanently set "Class Decompiler Viewer" for *.class associations. After I set it the decompiler works fine, but after the restart Eclipse restores "Class File Viewer" as default association for *.class. I tried multiple different steps to update the class default association, but after each start Eclipse restores it to the "Class File Viewer", and I don't know how to prevent it from doing it. Any advice will be appreciated (note in decompiler settings I have the Startup flag checked to set the Decompiler as default viewer - it doesn't help)

But when I'm debugging an application and reach a file for which I don't have a source, the decompiler editor is not opened. Instead I see a "Source not found." editor with "Edit Source Lookup Path.." button.

Just like dotPeek (our standalone .NET decompiler for Windows), Rider lets us open individual assemblies from disk, explore folders, and open assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). It also supports working with assembly lists, making it easier to switch between different sets of assemblies. Rider indexes all assemblies in our assembly list, as well as the assemblies they reference.

Of course, we can use Search Everywhere (Ctrl+T or Double-shift) to navigate to the decompiler as well. Rider can navigate to classes and interfaces, as well as other symbols like properties and methods.

As I continue to explore NSA's new reversing tool, Ghidra, one of the features that I heard about and was excited to see in action was the decompiler. So, in this entry in the series, I'll start to delve into that some. In particular, I'll look at one particular option that turned out to be more useful than I originally thought, though I'm still not entirely certain how I'll use it going forward. I've long been a user of the Hex-Rays decompiler at $dayjob and I really like it, but I can't afford it for use in my personal/Storm Center research and we don't use it in FOR610, so I was really looking forward to giving the Ghidra one a try. I have to say, so far, I'm pretty impressed. As I explain to my FOR610 students, decompiling is a hard problem. A lot of context is lost during optimization, so except for very simple programs you shouldn't expect the decompiler to give you C code that looks like the original source. Having said that, for someone like me who has been programming on-and-off for a very long time, I can usually grasp the purpose of a function much more quickly in a (pseudo-)high level language than I can in assembler. One place decompiling is extremely useful for, is showing the parameters to function calls (especially Windows API calls) in a way that isn't as tedious (and potentially error prone) as scrolling up and counting the PUSH instructions (cdecl or stdcall) or trying to trace the contents of certain registers (fastcall). More on that in my next installment. 006ab0faaa

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