Free Universal Healthcare

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane”.

-Martin Luther King Jr.

Single-payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone with free health care coverage. No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no copays, no surprise bills.

The “Medicare for All” system is proven by studies all over the political spectrum to save money, save lives, and make people's life drastically better. This isn’t some enlightened position, as it has been done in Canada, with the NHS in the UK, and in the majority of developed countries around the world. Simply put, someone's right to life saving medication should not be behind a number of conglomerates acting as a middle man. Today's Americans have 3 options, be rich, be in debt, or be dead. None of which are satisfactory for the workers who power the world's greatest economy.

The coronavirus pandemic is the greatest example of why your healthcare should not be tied to employment and how a nationalized healthcare system would be the most efficient. The pandemic applied pressure to the current system and the system completely crashed. We saw a lack of masks, PPE, ventilators, and beds to home the sick.