AAPS APISA/A Parent Advisory Group

What is APISA/A?

The APISA/A (Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian/American) Parent Advisory Group formed in May 2021 to support APISA/A families within Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS). We provide an environment for openly sharing our hopes, needs, concerns, and challenges as community members in Ann Arbor, particularly related to equity and inclusion for APISA/A students and families. We serve as a resource to help APISA/A students and families, particularly those new to the area, learn how to access and navigate AAPS services.   

How Can You Get Involved?

We are interested in increasing visibility, equity and inclusion for our APISA/A students, while building community and connections between APISA/A families across schools (whether you are new to the district or are long-time residents of Ann Arbor).

Since we are a new group, we are focused on getting the word out about our organization. We’d love to have every school and as many Asian communities represented in APISA/A. Help us spread the word! The more voices we include, the louder we can be heard! 

Some of the issues we are interested currently

How Can You Report Concerns?

Have you or your students had issues with school policies, practices or interactions with students or staff?

There are a few ways to take action and get support: