The following list of prerequisites are specific to running tests written in Java, per this demonstration. For information about other supported languages, refer to the demo projects in the Sauce Labs Training Repo.

The Appium Quickstart for Java demo repository contains all the project files necessary to run a test against a mobile app or a web app accessed through a mobile browser. Clone the project in your local environment to get started.

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Once Node.js is installed, open your command prompt or terminal. To install Appium globally on your machine, enter the command `npm install -g appium`. This command utilizes the Node Package Manager (npm) to download and install Appium, making it accessible across your entire system.

After the installation is complete, it's a good idea to verify that everything was installed correctly. To do this, simply type `appium -v` in your command prompt or terminal. If the installation was successful, this command will display the installed version of Appium. With Appium now installed, you're ready to start creating and running your mobile app tests.

Finally, you'll need to install the appropriate platform-specific driver for Appium. These drivers enable Appium to communicate with your mobile app on the targeted platform. For example, if you're testing an Android app, you'll need to install the `appium-android-driver`, while for iOS apps, you'll require the `appium-xcuitest-driver`. To install the driver, use the npm command in your terminal or command prompt, like so: `npm install -g appium-android-driver` or `npm install -g appium-xcuitest-driver`.

Once your test script is ready, you must start the Appium server. To do this, open your terminal or command prompt and run the `appium` command. The Appium server will now be active and ready to receive commands from your test script.

Waldo's tests also demonstrate greater resilience to UI changes, which reduces the likelihood of encountering flaky tests. This stability ensures a more reliable testing experience and helps maintain the overall quality of your mobile app.

Docker itself is a big topic, I cannot explain everything about it here. The problem which docker solves in case of appium or other selenium based test is parallelisation. As you may have also noticed while working with appium, that mobile testing is too slow compare to browser testing. The only way, you can make it fast is by parallelisation, that is why selenium community developed selenium grid.

Without docker, if you try to run your test parallel, you will need to start n number of appium server on different ports, you will also have to set different bootstrap ports, chromedriver ports etc etc. And then start appium driver on corresponding server ports. In case, if you want to scale your run environment i.e, machines running appium test then you will have to provision all those machine with appium dependencies i.e, android-sdks, nodejs etc etc. This is just pain. Nobody wants to work like this and this is one of the main reason for developers getting demotivated easily and ending up not writing tests at all.

Can I install mac os yosemite on virtual box in windows pc. And what are pre conditions to be taken while installing mac on virtual box for running appium tests both on emulators and physical devices.

Hi, did you find a solution? I am also having this problem. I am doing a tutorial where we are opening an Android App using an Android Emulator. I am using the Google Nexus 5 with Android Version 9. Also, I am also using Robot Framework and the AppiumLibrary.

Here is the Appium Library command and arguments:

Open Application :4723/wd/hub platformName=Android deviceName=emulator-5554 automationName=UiAutomator2

In this way appium library just wants to know where is node.exe in u r system and where is appium.js file in ur system. appium.js file will be inside the appium server you downloaded and node.exe will be in programfiles like other installed programs.

Please use the way I explained in method-1 in my post, it will help you. Start and Stop Appium Server ProgrammaticallyStart or Stop appium server programmatically in Android and iOS

io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException: The local appium server has not been started. The given Node.js executable: /usr/local/bin/node Arguments: [/usr/local/lib/node_modules/appium/bin/appium.js, --port, 32394, --address,, --udid,, --log-level, warn:error:info, --chromedriver-port, 59215, --bootstrap-port, 59214, --no-reset, --nodeconfig, /Users/mayur_d/Test_Branch_3.12/target/test-classes/GridConfig.json, --session-override]

I test the same application on Android and iOS and the same test case run on iOS takes 1:30min but on Andorid almost 6 min. I tried to change automationName from default to UiAutomator2, Espresso also I cannot use executeScript because its native app. Any idea how I can speed up testing on android?

Run application on real device and emulator and there is no difference in time

I use appium in version 1.21.0 and run driver in c# code.

I am having similar slowness issues on android using appium desktop client 1.21.0 and appium java client - 7.5.1. It happens on apps that uses prismic pages which has either an image or an image in the form of animation. Does anyone know a solution to handle this slowness and make it run faster?

Appium is a popularly used open source test automation framework that helps with automating mobile app testing of both iOS and Android Apps. You can integrate your appium scripts on pCloudy, as we have extended support to Appium Automation.

I will skip the setup of the WPF app, as this is not our goal here. It is a simple mail app demo with limited functionality for the purpose of this article. What I am going to do is to walk you through the process of creating your test project, setting it up and then writing several test scenarios. A full working demo is available in the following repo: Get-your-WPF-apps-automated-with-Appium.

Feel free to download and explore the full demo app and the test project we worked on. I hope this walkthrough will help you get started with automating your WPF applications using Appium and WinAppDriver. Any feedback or comments on the topic are more than welcome.

In this mobile app testing tutorial, we deep-dived into the basics of the Appium framework for performing Android and iOS app testing with code demonstration. We also looked at running Appium tests on cloud grids like LambdaTest. Finally, we learned how to debug errors while running Appium tests and how to run Appium tests on real devices.

The following Appium Java code example uses an Android or iOS device with the demo shopping app, Advantage Shopping. For additional code samples, see Appium integration, Appium simulations, and the UFTM github repository.

Perfecto manages the installation of all drivers in the Perfecto cloud internally and sets the default version according to your needs. You can update the values of the automationVersion and appiumVersion capabilities as needed to switch dynamically between Appium versions in Perfecto.

To demonstrate the changes required by both an Appium 2-compliant client and Selenium 4, we have created a sample project and made it available for you on GitHub. The project includes demo test cases that use an Appium 2.0-compliant client and Selenium 4.x. You can change the dependencies and add or replace the respective Selenium version (4.2 and later) based on your project's or company's requirements.

Perfecto supports the automationVersion and appiumVersion capabilities with the respective driver versions along with Perfecto-specific capabilities. If you perform automation testing and use both capabilities, then automationVersion will override appiumVersion.

We are going to use the Appium 2 server, which you had downloaded in the beginning of this tutorial series. To start the Appium server, open command prompt, then simply type appium and hit enter.

I am facing a problem wherein I am not able to find the elements that are within a FrameLayout, so while I run the appium script using the resource id, I get No such element found exception. Can you please tell me how to address this issue, as I am stuck with this case since past 2 months.

I am using appium 1.8.1 desktop

Also tried using automation name as UiAutomator2 but still of no help.

I am super happy to hear that! In appium automation, the first installations, versions compatibility, etc. are so crucial and I am so happy that this article helped you to have a stable and running appium automation environment. :)

Appium-doctor is an application tool to verify Appium installation. It shows all the missing things that you need to do. So, this will be very useful to run appium-doctor whenever you get any issue. It will install through npm.

There are multiple ways to start appium service, manually we can start by clicking on appium icon, start using command prompt and programmatically. In this tutorial, let us see how to start Appium server programmatically. We can achieve this with the help of Appium java Client 'AppiumDriverLocalService' class.

In the previous tutorials, we have seen executing appium tests on a real device by using chrome browser (Mobile Web App) . Now in this tutorial we will take a very basic native app and execute Appium tests on a real device for that app.

This example test will open the flutter-demo-app, find both the counter number and increment button by valueKey.

It will then verify the initial number, click the button twice and verify if the number is correct. 17dc91bb1f

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