Apex Environmental Leeds Pest Control Services Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK - 0113 390 4270 Presentation

Pest Control Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK

Throughout Leeds, both in the inner-city and the rural outskirts, pest control services are inundated with calls from concerned residents. For a number of years, the City of Leeds has been facing an unprecedented rise in requests for pest management assistance related to not just the influx of rats and mice, but flying insects too, including calling on pest control for nest removal services to get rid of ants, hornets, and over the summer, wasp nests.

Pest Control Services: A Key Service in England

Right at the time when Leeds was facing a rat epidemic in March of 2020, lockdown shut the sector down. After lobbying by trade industry bodies. Westminster finally U-turned their decision to give pest control services the green light to help fight the initial epidemic. And called for pest control services to help fight the battle plaguing Leeds and the wider West Yorkshire district for at least the past 3-years!

The Yorkshire Evening Post published statistics for Leeds City Council pest control requests in 2019, showing they'd received 8,322 pest control calls in the past two years, so going back to 2017. The fight remains ongoing for pest control: Leeds residents need immediate assistance to control Leeds' huge pest problems. This is reflected in the 2020 government decision to U-turn on the key worker status, and get pest control professionals back into the field.

Apex Environmental Leeds, is providing much-needed pest control services in Leeds, assisting homeowners and tenants across the social and private tenant sector to control rat and mice infestations.

The most affected regions in need of professional pest control services in Leeds is the Gipton and Harehills Ward. In these locations, there has been a heightened increase in rat activity - most prominently, the Rattus Norvegicus species. The rat is identifiable as a brown rat, weighing around 0.5 kg, which burrows their way into properties where they take up residence in the walls, under the floorboards, and in roof spaces.

Pest control specialists are needed to bring any rat infestation under control as these rodents urinate consistently, breed like wildfire, and pose a real risk to public health from diseases including salmonella, and although more rarely, leptospirosis (Weil's Disease).

If you suspect a rat problem in or around your property, don't hesitate to call in our pest control technicians. For years, our service has provided results-driven pest control. Leeds residents and business owners have come to rely on our services.

We are available 7 days a week to provide advice, inspections, pest control treatments and integrated pest management solutions to homeowners, tenants, landlords and business owners.

Get in touch with Apex Environmental Leeds by calling 0113 390 4270

Our professional pest management services can provide a thorough assessment of your property, identify whether rats or mice are present, and provide assistance to either encourage rats or mice out of your property or eliminate the threat completely!

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Apex Environmental Leeds is a pest control company that provides a comprehensive pest control service in and around Leeds, UK. Apex offers services to both residential and commercial clients you can expect to find the best pest control solution that is tailored and suited to your needs.

Our professional technicians will ensure that you’re obtaining the best possible pest management care, while also protecting the integrity of your property. Apex is NPTA registered, BPCA qualified and CHAS certified.

If you require professional help in pest control and want an affordable quality service? Contact Apex Pest Control - Leeds and speak to an expert today 0113 3904270

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Other Types of Pests that Require a Professional Service from Pest Control Specialists

Wasp Nest Removal: Leeds Pest Control

Wasps tend to build their nests in the Spring but by the time you realise there is a wasp nest, disturbing it in any way, needs to be done by a professional service because the wasps will be swarming. It's only after there's a swarm of wasps visible that it's evident there's a nest near your premises.

It can be difficult to tell the difference between different types of bees, wasps, and hornets. However, not every nest needs removing, and some can be left alone. Britain has 250+ kinds of bees.

All bees are endangered, but none of them has protected status!

Despite this, responsible pest control services work with local beekeeping communities who can relocate swarms, mainly the European Honeybee. The Leeds Beekeepers Association help control Leeds Honeybee population offering a swarm relocation service.

If you suspect a wasp problem, it's advisable to have a knowledgeable pest control service conduct an inspection to identify the species, conduct a risk assessment and then decide on the most appropriate treatment method.

For a wasps nest removal, Leeds residents aren't necessarily at any risk. There will be if the nest is within a close distance to properties where it's likely to be disturbed. Wasps nests can be left until after the summer when they're more easily removed. This is because all wasps die off. When they're noticeable and causing a nuisance, it is advisable to have a pest control service assess the area because they will remain active for the entire summer season.

For those with allergies, pets, and families, care should be taken around wasp nests because if they are present, they will defend the queen and, unlike bees, wasps can sting multiple times. No DIY method for getting rid of a wasp nest is safe. Some are downright irresponsible and pose a larger risk to public health and safety than leaving the nest alone would be.

For responsible pest control, Leeds residents can rest assured that when we identify a wasp colony, we will intervene to destroy the nest when required. When it comes to pest control in Leeds to get rid of wasps, it needs to be done by a certified pest control service that has access to commercial-grade insecticides - inaccessible to the public. These are placed responsibly near the nest where it's accessible for wasps but inaccessible for pets and younger children. The wasps carry the insecticides into the nest, which quickly and efficiently starts killing them off.

Within just a couple of days, the activity will reduce to near-zero, then afterwards, and the nest will get destroyed. Wasps don't return, and once there's no more wasp activity, the nest can safely get removed if you want. Anyone can remove nests once the wasps are gone, but you will need a pest control service to eradicate wasps before the end of the summer season. If you don't call in professional service, the nest will remain active until the end of the summer.

Pest Control in Leeds for Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are irritating, but they are rarely dangerous. Nevertheless, they do bite, and that can cause red marks, lumps and rashes, requiring the assistance of pest control. Leeds residents can take solace in the fact that our pest control service is done diligently and discreetly, offering professional advice, and technical assistance to eradicate bed bugs from properties.

Our pest control procedures ensure our technicians conduct a thorough assessment of your property and use the most appropriate treatment method for your particular situation. Depending on the level of activity, repeat treatments may be required, and as with all pest problems, our Leeds pest control technicians work with customers pre and post-treatment to ensure the best possible outcome.

Many treatments are available to eliminate bed bugs for all contaminated areas. Despite their commonly used name being bed bugs, they are part of the Cimicidae family of insects. They can be found foraging in any number of confined spaces throughout properties, including under carpets, behind skirting boards, within wooden furniture, on headboards, in sideboards, on clothing and other fabrics.

A sure-fire way to tell if you need pest control for this problem is to turn your mattress upside down and inspect it for clusters of tiny black dots like someone's dabbed a black Biro pen on the mattress. The most activity is often seen around the buttons on mattresses.

Other signs of an infestation are visible skin redness from bites, which tend to be in rows and tiny blood speckles on bedding and on the headboard. These insects can live for up to a year without feeding though, so even nymphs can be harbouring in furniture before hatching when new furniture is introduced to your property. It's also possible for these to travel on luggage, and clothing so if you've been at a property that has an active presence of Cimicidae insects, they can (and likely will) travel, introducing a second pest problem on another property.

Where this poses a serious pest control problem is in properties with multiple occupancies. This includes hotels, hostels, guest houses, and blocks of flats. When one room gets infested, they will infest neighbouring rooms.

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