APCV portal

Asia Pacific Conference on Vision 

- Annual meeting on vision research -

Asia Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV) is an annual scientific meeting on vision research in Asian and Oceanian regions, while participants from all over the world are also welcome. Last update: 2023.05.02

APCV will be back 2024! 

APCV will return after a long break with Covid-19. The next host will be Singapore in 2024.

Future and past APCV

APCV short history

APCV (formerly known by Asia Conference on Vision; ACV) was first organized by the Vision Society of Japan and the Vision Research Group in Korea in 2001.  The purpose of having ACV was to stimulate, especially for young researchers, to discuss and communicate one another in the international conference, since in East Asia there had been no international vision specific conference, so vision researchers in East Asia had been suffering from difficulty to present their papers in an international conference.  In 1999, Keiji Uchikawa (Chairman of the Vision Society of Japan) and Chan-Sup Chung (Chairman of the Vision Research Group in Korea) agreed with each other on having a new international vision conference held in Asia.  After two-year preparing period ACV was, first, realized in Japan being supported by many people including Chinese vision researchers.  

                   At the first conference held in Hayama, Japan, as ACV 2001, we have attendees only from two countries, Korea and Japan.  After exciting experience in conferences in Gyeongju, Korea 2002 and Chongqing, China 2004, the second conference in Japan was held in Matsue in 2006.  At the 5th conference in Brisbane, Australia 2008, the conference name changed to Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV) and the conference has covered larger region since then.  After the conference in Taipei, Taiwan, 2010, APCV have been held annually.

APCV Council members

on 2019


Founder of the ACV

Edited by Kowa Koida (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech, Japan)