Ms. Beaman's AP CSA

Why CS?

Class Overview

We will be using the curriculum, which is entirely online. There is no physical textbook for this class. 

We will have a summer assignment, most of which is to gauge your computer science knowledge, and to refresh your skills before we jump right in when school starts. 


What is AP CSA?

AP Computer Science A introduces students to computer science through programming. Fundamental topics in this course include the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language 



Course Links Section - 23-24 link coming soon

CSAwesome Online Book

Other Resources

College Board Course Overview Syllabus

Ms. Beaman's Syllabus - 2023-24 (coming soon)