Working on a complicated build for non SS savvy medical professionals. I want to create an automation to send an update request to contact in a specific cell (legal team) when a document needs legal review. The user will indicate that legal review is needed for this document (via dropdown) and that will trigger the automation.

The issue is that there could be up to 20+ attachments to a given row and the legal reviewer will have to find not only the correct document but also the most up to date version if the user fails to delete older versions or save over them. I had seen images of PDFs in cells somewhere and thought I could attach documents to individual cells but that is not the case. Also when setting up the update request you can elect either all or no attachments be included.

Aol Will Only Download One Attachment

Download File 🔥 🔥

The only semi-satisfactory solution I've come up with so far is to have the user enter the name of the attachment needing review in a column labeled "document needing legal review" or something like that so they know which of the items to review in the potential slue of attachments. There is also sometimes confidentiality issues so it might not even be an option to send all attachments. Also at that point it could be easier for them to draft an email outside of smartsheet.

For at least 2 weeks, Quicken will allow me to scan (wifi epson scanner) ONE receipt, save etc. But now, instead of the Epson scan screen closing after hitting Done and Save - it now hangs in the background. [Edited-Readability]

While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.

We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

From the looks of others, whatever has turned the scanner function into a really bad idea is not getting any better! I've had online help, validated my version & file, yet now what I thought to be a great idea has gone bad. I can scan one document, however QW won't allow me to shut down the scanner to that 1 item & start fresh on a 2nd! Online help via screenshare & phone only opted to tell me "scan the documents & add them 1 by one after saving them!" [Edited-Readability]

This issue is still not fixed for me and I have Version R49.33 Build running on my Quicken Premier Windows version. I can add one ,pdf. When I try to add th 2nd, it appears to upload, but when I view the attachments, the 2nd .pdf is nowhere to be found.

The workflow has a token containing a group of names. it queries a database, and if there is an email in our database for that name, it fills out a form (X), preps an email with both the filled out form and another previously found form (Y). It then generates and sends the email with both X and Y attached. It does a bunch of stuff both before and after, but the attachment process is inconsistent. Recently it has begun sending SOME of the emails without Document "Y". Some within the same token will include X and Y, while others will only include X.

I'm think about possibly copying the earlier found document to a temp location and trying the attachments from there. Wanted to get suggestions prior chasing my tail with these design modifications. It has previously worked rather consistently. In all honesty it does process a great deal of information.

My first thought was that there may have been a server performance issue where another activity in the workflow was grabbing the same document at the same time, causing another attachment to see Y as being "empty" or Locked? The workflow is designed using in sequence with for each loops. I would expect this to be more possible with parallels. I'd paste the whole thing but it is pretty large. See below for screen shots. I figured adding a delay between each email activity would ease things up. No luck.

I am having an issue displaying media attachments in the details widget of a dashboard I recently created in AGOL to replicate a dashboard I created in portal. I switched over to AGOL to get the updated built-in functionality that has recently been applied to the dashboard application.

I would like to set up a details widget to display photo attachments, similar to how I had it set up in the portal. When I try to do this in the AGOL dashboards the photos do not appear, see the first screenshot below. I have the widget set so that it should show only "Media".

The dashboard however is recognizing that there are attachment photos. When I set the widget to show "Attachments" a list of my attachments appears, see screenshot below circled in blue. There are multiple photo attachments per feature.

I tried a workaround by creating attachment URLs in arcade following the methodology of this post, and then trying to use an embedded content widget to display them. Unfortunately, this didn't work either.

So this layer was coming directly from our local map server, not our AGOL account. I ended having the layer published as its own feature service and now, the lists option for attachments in the new map viewer can be switched to "Gallery". Now in the dashboard details widget, the attachments have a preview of the image. It still does not allow you to view "Media" as stand-alone images, but with the "list" option changed to "gallery" in the popup options for the layer, and selecting "Attachments" in the widgets, it will display a preview of the image. For any future viewers that look into this issue - make sure your layer is a feature service layer on an AGOL account, or this will not work.

I know that (unfortunately) an attachment control in browser based forms cannot be conditionally formatted. Actually I have the requirement to disable the attachment from being removed/changed but able to be just viewed?

Does anyone know a trick or a workaround to set an attachment control in "view-only" mode. I know that I can switch the whole view (including the attachment control) in "read-only" mode but then I cant even open the attachment --- so that is not a reasonable way.

Another idea: use Qdabra's qRules 1.8 (free) to save the image to SharePoint and convert to a link. Switch your view to show a linked image instead of an attachment. Then you can control various things and your form size is smaller too.

The download attachment fails if the name of the attachment is a path referering to a local image, for the person that uploaded the image. For the most part the attachments are names "Fotos1.jpg", "Fotos2.jpg" and so on.

I added att_name = os.path.basename(att_name) to the code. Line 14 in example below, line 595 in the file. This makes sure that if a filepath name is added as a filename, it only uses the filename from the path. I tested it on a few different datasets, and works great.

I don't believe I've seen this problem before, but as you noted the fix that comes to mind is downloading all the attachments, re-uploading, reviewing to make sure filenames appear correctly, deleting the originals. Seems like the filepath is not being parsed correctly due to the filename appearing as a path.

@EarlMedinaThank you for your reply.

This was my thought process as well, but the problem is that the attachments can't be downloaded because the download functions looks for the attachment in the bad filename/local path instead of the actual locations.

Using the UI i can see the attachment, and by replicating the feature service to a GDB using the REST api i can also see the attachments. It is only when i use the Python API that it fails.

I also haven't seen this issue before, and it definitely isn't a regular issue. But i think the AttachmentManager download function is handling the filenames wrong.

I attached the error log, if it is any help.

I want to be able to upload documents in one table. These documents are usually invoices and should be uploaded to the correct supplier. When I upload a new document, I want to create a new record in a different table, for each attachment that is being uploaded.

Currently, when I run it it creates a new record but the new record contains previous uploaded attachments too. How can I ensure that it is only the latest uploaded attachment that is being created as a new record?

From here, I'll create a new automation that is triggered whenever the formula field is updated.

I'll create two conditional action groups.

The first group will fire only when the formula field is not empty. If it is not empty, then it will update the Main Image attachment field with the string value found in the Primary Attachment Link formula field.

The second group will fire only when the formula field is empty. If it is empty, then it will clear the Main Image attachment field. Since the formula will only return empty if there are no attachments in the Attachments field, we can safely assume that there shouldn't be any images displayed at all, so no cause for concern. e24fc04721

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