Mt. Aoba Analysis and Geometry miniworkshop
Date: 24/01/2024
Place: 711 Graduate School of Information Sciences Tohoku University
Schedule (tentative):
Lorenzo Cavallina : 13:30~14:00
Title: How to characterize radial symmetry in two-phase conductors by overdetermined conditions on the level sets of the torsion function
Kei Funano : 14:05~14:35
Title: Inequalities between eigenvalues of the Laplacian
Dong-Hwi Seo : 14:40~15:10
Title: Free boundary minimal surfaces in a ball and eigenvalue problems
Ilaria Lucardesi : 15:40~16:10
Title: An invitation to Blaschke-Santaló diagrams
Shigeru Sakaguchi : 16:15~16:45
Title: Remark on the obstacle problem for minimal graphs with density
Antoine Henrot : 16:50~17:20
Title: Is the Faber-Krahn inequality true for the Stokes operator? (cancelled)
Organizers: Kei Funano, Lorenzo Cavallina, Shigeru Sakaguchi