If you have ever experienced serious difficulties in life, you know the phrase "Call me anytime." That's what everyone tells you. They sincerely want to help, but they don't know how. So after expressing condolence, they say: "If you need anything at all, just call me. I'm only a phone call away."I've done it myself. I said it to the mother of a young girl who just died. I said it to a woman who was in the rehab unit after a serious car accident. I said it to a man whose wife was told she had less than six months to live. As inadequate as it felt, it seemed right at the time.Afterward, it was also easy to assume I had been released from my obligation. If there was no call, they must not need me. Right?

What does this have to do with your business as a financial advisor? Think about all the times you have told clients to call you anytime they have questions. If you say it with sincerity, and especially if they call you and get a response, then you are building good client relationships that sustain your business.

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So instead of telling him or her to call whenever they need to, try this: Give a short list of the topics and outcomes you covered in your latest meeting with them. Highlight and underline anything the person needs to do. Give a time (usually two or three days hence) when you will call to see whether he or she has any questions. Then follow through and call.

The Girl Scout Cookie Program strives to offer girls important experiences in entrepreneurship, leadership, business, and finance from an early age, as well as provide girls and Girl Scout councils with the funding necessary for activities and programs throughout the troop year. Our 111 councils handle their own sales tracking and may track their top sellers to showcase the skills Girl Scouts learn and the incredible ways in which girls are investing their cookie earnings to create positive change in their communities.

The net proceeds from Girl Scout Cookie sales stay local with the originating council and troop to fund activities for girls year-round as well as impactful girl-led community projects. Each council determines its own revenue structure depending on how much it costs the council to buy cookies, the local retail price to sell cookies, and the amount of revenue shared with participating troops.

Cookie program revenue is a critical source of funding for Girl Scout councils to deliver essential programming to troops and is often what makes it possible to reach girls in underserved areas and maintain camps and properties.

No. After paying the bakers, the net proceeds from Girl Scout Cookie sales are retained by the originating council and troop to power amazing experiences for Girl Scouts and impactful girl-led community projects. Girl Scout troops set goals for how to spend their proceeds on program-related activities, such as paying their own way towards a trip or outdoor adventure. Girl Scout troops may also choose to use proceeds to purchase materials for a project to benefit the community.

Since we arrived Thursday evening, we just had time to get to our hotel before picking a spot for dinner. And you guys know how important food is to this girl. I find that the first meal always sets the tone for the trip. Lucky for me, Nico found a cute little place called Le Chemise. Charming interior with cozy two seaters with French couples chatting everywhere. The perfect meal to kick-start the weekend.

Table of contentsWhat does any time mean?At any timeWhat does anytime mean?Worksheet: Anytime vs. any timeOther interesting language articlesFrequently asked questions 

Remember, anytime essentially exists to be used in place of the phrase at any time. Ultimately, most sentences can be rewritten to use one or the other and still have the same exact meaning. When in doubt, build the sentence around the phrase at any time.

Raakhee Mirchandani I have loved sharing this with kids and families and libraries, but I think I have loved sharing it with the Drag Queens the most. I have a now almost seven year old daughter. She used to dress up like Wonder Woman every single day, like school photos, holiday photo shoots. It didn't matter. She was in a Wonderwoman costume. And I thought, wouldn't it be great if I could find a book where there was a girl who kind of looked like her, a little brown girl, dressed like a superhero.

Raakhee Mirchandani Ultimately, the story that I was looking for was mine, and nobody else was going to be able to tell it besides me. And that's the thing that I tell kids every time I go to schools, that like, this is this feels special to you because it's in a book and it's hard bound and it's very fancy and the illustrations are beautiful, but you can have that, too, because ultimately the story in this book is mine and the one that you're looking for and you can't find is yours. And so we just have to tell our stories.

Every girl wants to feel like she's a special and unique treasure to her guy. How do you show her that she really is special to you? Nothing impresses a woman more than a guy treating her as his princess.

Hello Jill, Thank god i found your site. Having a bit of a crisis at the moment as my 2 goats Nelly & Sally are due anytime now and my hubby is at work and im all on my own. But having read your site it is clear that they are due at anytime now,. I live in Bulgaria and i only bought the gaots on September 26th. Nelly is having her 3rd pregnancy and Sally is on her 2nd . I had my 6th baby last May but this is more terrifying. Thanks so much for the advise, and i will keep you posted x

This is our second kidding season. I was looking for a little refresher on labor signs when I found your page. It has been very helpful! Last year all our does gave birth in the afternoon or evening. That was so nice because we could watch them through the day and make sure they were comfortable. I just walked out and checked our girls after reading your article and I have two who are swollen and starting to have some discharge. I am expecting them to deliver in the next couple of days but only time will tell.

Thanks for your page, Im awaiting my first kidding as well and getting a little tired as it has been 6 days with my 2 does showing signs of nearly delivery time!! yesterday i put the doe who showed thr most signs in the birthing pen thinking she will go last night, but oh no she wasnt ready!! This morn i came out and she was so vocal i thought right its time but again siting in my chair and ni babies lol. Its been nearly 2 hours since she was loud her valva is puffy she has goop and if off with the pixies so i hope its soon, today is nice and warm for her so fingers crossed as for the other doe she has got all the other goats around her and she is making the bleeping sound she has a good size udder and showed goop a few days ago.

Im also from queensland Australia!!

Anything you can tell me would help thanks.

In early November, a source close to the matter told ET that Harry and William's relationship "has not improved since the publication of Spare and there is no reconciliation expected anytime soon." The source added that the root of the problem all boils down to a lack of trust.

After some of Harry's close friends spoke out warning him of the whirlwind romance, William also confronted his brother. "Don't feel like you need to rush this," William told Harry, according to sources in the book. "Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl."

Harry recounted calling Meghan to tell her what had happened, saying she "burst into floods of tears" because within four hours "they were happy to lie to protect my brother and yet for three years they were never willing to tell the truth to protect us."

While Harry is willing to reconcile with the pair, he tells ITV that neither William or Charles have shown any willingness to mend their strained relationship. Instead, he claims, they prefer to continue the narrative that he and his wife are the "villains" in this years-long rift.

William reportedly urged Harry not to tell Meghan about the fight, and while Harry did not immediately tell his wife, he writes that he called his therapist. Meghan did eventually find out after discovering "scrapes and bruises" on her husband's back and is said to have felt "terribly sad" about the ordeal.

Lots of girls and guys worry about when their bodies will develop. Guys wonder when their voices will get deeper, when they'll need to shave, or when their penises will grow. Girls want to know when their breasts will develop or when they'll get their first period. If a friend or a younger brother or sister develops first, they may worry that there's something wrong with them.

The earliest physical change of puberty for girls is usually breast development, which most often begins around 10 or 11 years. But it's perfectly normal for breast development to start anytime between the ages of 7 and 13. A girl's first menstrual period usually happens about 2 to 2 years after breast development begins.

Boys begin their development on average around age 10 or 11, but it's also normal to begin anytime between the ages of 9 and 15. Girls and guys who start developing earlier or later than these ranges can still be normal, but they should be checked by their doctor just to be sure.

Have you ever found yourself churning out a report or essay, thoughts flowing, fingers scurrying along the keyboard, and then you stumble over a spelling of a word? But that word isn't something like eudaemonic, it is the everyday sometime or anytime. "Do I use the closed or open spelling?," you ask yourself. Your brain is addled, and you are left staring at your screen, hopelessly trying to puzzle out which one to use. We're here to lessen this writerly stress and help you confidently apply the right spellings in your writing in this two-part lesson on sometime/some time and anytime/any time.

An easy way to tell if some and time should be written as one word or two is to insert quite before some and see if the passage still makes sense. If it does, some and time should be written separately: "We haven't seen them for quite some time"; "He arrived quite some time ago." If it does not (as in "He arrived quite sometime last night"), sometime is the correct choice. In addition, some time can be replaced with phrases like "a short time" or "a long time," and substituting such a phrase in the sentence can help determine which spelling to use. For example, in "We will arrange to meet some time next week," "a short/long time" is not substitutable for "some time," so sometime is the correct choice. On the other hand, in "It will take some time to fix," the substitution fits, so some time is correct. 17dc91bb1f

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