Antonio Yuste-Ginel

Assistant Professor in Logic


antonXoyustegXnel [at] with X= i


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I am a junior researcher and teacher in logic. Since March 2023, I have worked as an assistant professor (profesor ayudante  doctor) at the Department of Logic and Theoretical Philosophy of the Complutense University of Madrid, where I have had the pleasure of working within the newborn research group in formal philosophy called Mathesis. Before that, I joined the LiLaC team, at the IRIT (Toulouse) thanks to a contract funded by the TAILOR network, under the supervision of Andreas Herzig. I obtained my MA in Logic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Granada, and I also hold a BA in Philosophy and a PhD in Humanities from the University of Málaga. In my PhD project, I studied, under the supervision of Alfredo Burrieza, several combinations of two well-known families of formalisms for knowledge representation: epistemic logic and formal argumentation. My thesis is available here

This webpage contains an updated list of my publications, talks, and other research and teaching activities.