Antonio Bianchi

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I am an Assistant Professor at The University of Iowa in the Computer Science Department.

Before joining The University of Iowa, I was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of California, Santa Barbara, advised by Professor Giovanni Vigna and Professor Christopher Kruegel. Before starting my Ph.D., I received a Master degree in Computer Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and a Master degree in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Chicago.

You can contact me at:

Research Interests

My research interest lies in the area of Computer Security. My primary focus is in the field of security of mobile devices.

In particular, I am interested in identifying novel security issues in these devices and applying both static and dynamic analysis techniques to detect vulnerable and malicious mobile apps automatically. I am also interested in developing new methods to analyze compiled binary code.

More recently, I started exploring the security issues posed by IoT devices and their interaction with mobile applications.

As a core member of the Shellphish team, I played and organized many security competitions (typically called CTF), and I won the third place at the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge.