Everyone knows about the alarms that abruptly wake us from our slumbers each morning, but have you heard of alarms that can keep us awake while we're driving? Anti-sleep alarms do more than simply startle and annoy drivers -- they can save them from fender benders or worse by alerting them if they start to nod off behind the wheel.

There are two types of anti-sleep alarms. The first type of alarm is built right into the car and uses sensors, cameras and other high-tech tricks to discern a driver's fatigue and correct the problem accordingly. The second type fits over the driver's ear and sounds an alert when the driver starts to fall asleep. While the in-car alarm systems are a recently developed feature that can add thousands of dollars to a car's sticker price, the over-the-ear alarm is both cheap and readily available. Drivers can find these for $10 to $20 under brand names like Nap Zapper, No Nap, and Doze Alert.

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The names might sound funny, but the need for anti-sleep alarms is no joke. A poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation showed that 60 percent of Americans have driven while feeling sleepy, and 37 percent admit to falling asleep at the wheel in the past year. In fact, sleepy driving can be deadly: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 car crashes -- and kills more than 1,500 people -- each year [source: Fenton]. While the safest course of action is to get a good night's sleep or to take a nap before driving, an anti-sleep alarm could come in handy on a late-night drive.

Let's start with the simplest anti-sleep alarm system, the over-the-ear gadget. This lightweight plastic device has an arm that slips over one ear, like some telephone earpieces or portable headphones do. Once it's on, a sensor inside the case measures the angle from a perpendicular perspective. If the driver is looking straight ahead -- as he or she should -- the alarm measures the angle at zero degrees.

If you've ever fallen asleep on a subway train or in your high school algebra class, you know that your head tends to fall forward as you doze off. You also know that you may stay asleep for a few seconds or a couple of minutes before your head jerks upright and you're awake again. It's annoying on the bus commute home; it's downright dangerous when driving a car. The anti-sleep alarm looks for any indication that the driver's head is tipping forward: When the earpiece senses that the angle has increased from zero to, say, 15 or 30 degrees, it sounds an alarm. Most manufacturers stress that the sound is loud and irritating enough to wake the driver, but not so loud or sudden that he wakes up with a start and yanks on the wheel or steps harder on the gas.

You can easily adjust the angle that triggers the alarm. If you know you can sleep with your head almost upright, you can set your earpiece to a smaller angle. If the alarm goes off every time you bop your head along with the tunes on your radio, then you should set your triggering angle to 30 degrees or more.

In-car systems can be expensive, especially those that involve in-dash cameras to monitor drivers instead of sensors that are already in place. Read on to find out who can benefit from an anti-sleep alarm, no matter what the cost.

Drivers are the obvious target market for anti-sleep alarms. Truck drivers with tight schedules often find themselves hauling freight overnight. An alarm worn over the ear and a thermos of coffee could be enough to keep drivers alert without resorting to pharmaceuticals. Even the casual spring break road tripper could use a sleep alarm.

Over-the-ear alarms have uses beyond the driver's seat. A student cramming through the night could skip the usual chemical ways to stay awake and slip an alarm over his or her ear instead. Night security guards, especially those who work in stationary posts and gate houses, could also make use of this simple technology.

While these alarms can keep tired eyes open and brains alert enough to study, driving while sleepy is dangerous. Having a sleep alarm either built into in the car or worn on the ear may give tired drivers a false sense of security. This danger led the Australian state of Victoria to ban the devices in 2007 pending further safety testing.

Some of you guys may have already seen my earlier(first) post(Suggesstions For An Innovative Science Project - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum) and many may also have been utter fed up after that post but I sincerely apologize.

Finally I have found a proper topic for my school project. A "Driver Sleep Detection System" using an arduino mini, a 9V battery, a piezzo buzzer and an accelerometer, quite a simple setup...(I hope!)

So you might be wondering, why I am here...

As I am a beginner, I know nothing of code. Absolute nothing. So I am shamefully asking the generous volunteers of this forum to please give me the code (hope its just a few lines) for my project.

The setup is such that it would be worn by the driver on his/her head especially at night time. The arduino has to be configured such that it will trigger a beep alarm when it senses jerky moments(that's when the driver is drousy and is about to sleep) and the alarm will alert the driver as well as the other passengers aboard. There should be a tweak-able parameter to change the sensitivity of the accelerometer as well as an option to change the beepers beeping.

Take a look at how many wires the buzzer has. Isn't it rather obvious that power goes in one, and out the other? Where do you suppose the power is going to come from? Where do you suppose it is going to go to?

The Arduino isn't going to sense anything. It is going to get facts and data - something you don't seem to be too familiar with. It will analyze the data, and see if it fits some pattern (i.e. represents "jerky motions").

1.) Never use a 9v battery.. they suck (I know you said you want to use car charger in end.. but until then I hope you get odd results for lack of current..etc)

2.) You dont even bother to tell us or give us a link to the accelerator/module you are using... why? (how are we supposed to know this... and then provide help?)

3.) In general terms.. you have the hardware correct.. (Arduino, Accelerometer, buzzer for feedback)..

But have you even thought how this is applied in the real world?

How is this mounted?

Do the drivers need to wear a hat?

a headband? visor? How is this used by the driver?

5.) Mounting and orientation (to me) would seem to be crucial? (unless you code things correctly)

To get a basic sketch going...

wire up the accelerometer to the Arduino..... and out put the x, y & z values it returns...to the serial monitor

once you have that.. you can start to play with the accelerometer, tilting and turning, and watching the values on the serial monitor... once you have a vale (threshold) that you believe is a 'point' where you feel that means someone is sleeping....

record the value.. and use that as a conditional check/threshold to trigger the buzzer.

There are things a driver can do to keep alert, but, besides sleep, most of these are only temporary. An app cannot keep you awake. Examples that may temporarily help you stay awake while driving include:

These apps can decide that a slower reaction time is the moment to sound their alarm and jolt their driver. What these apps neglect to address is outliers or distractions that affect the reaction time to perform these tasks. Concentrating hard as you navigate through a tricky intersection, talking to passengers in the back seat, or changing a CD are all common things we do in the car.

Another app uses the front-facing camera feature of your smartphone to monitor your eyes. They determine open eyes, but as soon as your eyes close, they sound a loud alarm. Again, this taps in to the notion of a real-time response that might actually be too late.

This document describes a student project to create an "anti-sleep alarm" using an eye blink sensor and Arduino. The project uses an infrared eye blink sensor and Arduino Nano microcontroller to detect when a driver is blinking too slowly, indicating drowsiness. When drowsiness is detected, the circuit activates a buzzer and vibration sensor to alert the driver. The document outlines the components used, including the eye blink sensor, Arduino, and various sensors. It also provides the circuit diagram and code used to detect eye blinks and trigger the alarm when drowsiness is detected.Read less

As safe as our cars have become over the years, there will always be some level of danger to piloting tons of metal down the road at frightening speeds. And while you may think it impossible to fall asleep while doing something so hair-raising, it's more common than you may think. There are many tips and tricks to staying awake behind the wheel if you're stuck in traffic and feel yourself nodding off, but automakers have also come to the party with some clever tech that can actually tell if you're getting sleepy. Drowsiness detection in cars is now becoming more common, but how exactly do these technologies work?

Modern fatigue-detection systems in cars use a number of monitoring methods to determine if a driver is starting to fall asleep or having a problem paying attention. These sleep-detection systems use sensors and cameras to repeatedly scan the driver, watching for extended eye blinks or noting if head position changes dramatically. These sometimes tie into external sensors that check to see if you are drifting outside your lane or responding too slowly. If one or more of these problems are identified, anti-sleep alarms will be triggered and will try to draw your attention. This can be by means of auditory alarms, a vibrating steering wheel, or even a vibrating driver's seat if the vehicle is equipped with such safety seat tech.

It is worth mentioning that these systems are by no means an excuse to drive while drowsy - nor do they pilot the vehicle if you do fall asleep. Their job is not to keep you awake during long trips but rather to warn you that you are in need of a break or a proper rest. After just one warning, you should find somewhere safe to pull over and stretch to get your blood pumping. You may also want to keep an eye out for a motel where you can get a few hours of shut-eye. 152ee80cbc

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