

Anthony Waddle has worked in amphibian conservation research for over 10 years with a passion for creative solutions to big issues. His research focuses on enabling endangered frogs to coexist with the notorious amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). This pathogen has spread worldwide from Asia via the pet trade, leaving devastation in its wake. He focuses on practical research that has resulted in on-the-ground conservation from the deserts of North America to the island continent of Australia. Anthony’s work is interdisciplinary, borrowing methods and expertise from immunologists, ecologists, engineers, and molecular biologists to develop chytrid immunisations, habitat shelters (frog saunas), and genetic interventions to boost disease resilience. Anthony received his PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2022 and is now a Schmidt Science Fellow at Macquarie University in the Faculty of Science and Engineering – Applied BioSciences. For media or partnership inquiries please email: Anthony.Waddle@mq.edu.au

How to build a frog sauna.pdf