Anthony Sottasante

Anthony Sottasante is enthusiastic presenter and connects well with people. As a Director of Extra Curricular Activities at Columbia High School, he is responsible for each administrative duties and implementing and overseeing student programs. His objective behind this school is to provide all students with the prospect to acquire the abilities necessary to lead productive lives in a constantly growing and progressively complicated world. Aside from that he also devotes his time to sports activities like football. He design, implements, and supervise extracurricular programs and activities within Columbia High School.

He works very hard to be a good supervisor and to develop her board of directors into as productive a group possible. In his free time, he love to spend time in playing football. He believes that to be a better football player practice is very important. Anthony Sottasante has capability to head projects, currently holding position of Director of extracurricular activities, he participates in each and every aspect of proceedings. He is proven initiator and problem solver with experience of planning and overseeing programs.

He is excellent analyst who provided valuable research in his projects. Presently, he is using his skills in Columbia High School as a Director. He is a bright person and his ideas and advice always have innovative approach. He provides opportunity to all students to acquire the skills necessary to lead productive lives. Anthony Sottasante is very professional, yet had an outgoing and amicable personality. He prepare and observe student activities and programs. His budgeting and organizational skills in order to ensure student events are held in accordance with school standards and policies. He provides opportunity to participate in a variety of competitive sports.