Anthony James Paulsey

Personal Trainer

Now is the perfect time to get in shape. In fact, there’s actually no better time to set and reach those health and fitness goals! Now is the time! Actually, if you ask Personal Trainer Anthony James Paulsey, he’ll be the first to tell you: now is not only the perfect time, it’s also the only time! So what are you waiting for? Stop pushing it off to your ‘next New Year’s resolution’ or ‘next winter.’ Stop telling yourself that you’ll hit the gym tomorrow when there are still hours left in the day today — that’s what Paulsey always says anyway. Set and achieve your fitness goals today: because you can. And this Personal Trainer wants to help you get there.

Meeting one on one with his clients, Anthony James Paulsey Personal Trainer is available both on Zoom and in person. If you are located in the Northern California area, the Personal Trainer will meet you at your local gym of choice. Alternatively, Paulsey also excels in crafting outdoor workouts that offer hard-hitting results. So meeting at a park is also an option. If you are not local to the Northern California area, don’t worry. Paulsey is also available by Zoom video call.

Stay tuned for

Anthony James Paulsey Health & Wellness Coach

Health & Wellness Coach

Nutrition, physical activity and wellness are the pillars of any effective training program. Anthony James Paulsey gives his clients just that! Paulsey is currently in the process of drafting his first official health and wellness course, which will include a 2 day webinar (virtual seminar) on how to construct a meal plan that meets your desired nutritional needs and fitness goals. In the webinar, the Health & Wellness Coach will be available to answer your individual questions, in order to tailor a plan to meet your specific training objectives. Let’s get healthy!